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I headed to Brad's room, having a book in my hand. I was really suspicious, for the last few days, about him. He asked me about 'romeo and Juliet book'; and if i could give it to him for a day.

"He's, definitely, in love; just like mum said." I murmured to myself, before knocking at his door.

I collided the door with my knuckles and after a couple of seconds later, the door slid open giving me a view of Blair.

I tilted my head, while my forehead creased. "What are you doing here?" I said with annoyance.
It was middle of the night, mum and dad were in their room. It wasn't good for a lady to be at someone's house and that too this late at night. Even so, it was absolutely none of my business, But i was annoyed looking at her bravery, even when my parents were in the house, she didn't hesitate to open the door.

"You can come in." She said with a straight manner. I walked in the room to see Brad but he wasn't there.

"Where's Brad?" I asked, my temper wasn't that bad normally, but this woman made me sick with her presence. I hated the way she looked at me all the time. The way she made faces, talks in luring voices.

"Oh my god! This is my favourite one." She squealed with a wide grin, snatching the book from my hand. "You knew it?!" Her eyes sparkled with a sense of joy, still grinning ear to ear.

"It's fo--" She stopped my words by putting her finger on my lips. "Shh!" She giggled.

I jerked her hand away immediately, making a distance between us. "Don't you dare do that again." I scowled, but her giggling got even a bit louder and longer than before.

"You're so hot." She said, while her eyes roamed over me. "I always knew, we have a strong connection like no one." She moved her hand in my direction but before it touched me i took a few steps back.

It didn't stop her, she made her steps forward to me until she was close enough, that if she'd move a bit more she could kiss me. Her palm touched my cheek, and i cringed with the contact of her skin.

She caressed her thumb softly but every second was giving me a disgusted feeling. "Look into my eyes." Her voice was commanding, and a bit Fierce. I didn't listen and kept staring everywhere but at her. I didn't want to have a single glance of her.

She moved closer, and a sense of anger formed within me while i noticed she was about to kiss me. Before i pushed her away, a hand dragged me from my place and threw me at the window. My head hit the glass and a tiny piece of the glass scattered on the floor. A sharp pain surged through my head while a couple seconds of darkness flashed over my eyes.

I looked at Brad, huffing in his breaths. His chest pumping up and down as he looked at me with furious features. "How dare you!" He whipped toward me and punched my face with his full force. I fell on the floor with the small table placing on the side of the wall.

I could taste the metallic taste of my blood. I wiped the blood, flowing down from my mouth, through the back of my hand. "I wasn't ---"

Brad made me stand on my feet, clutching my collar with both of his hands. "How! Dare! You!" He reiterated, his jaw clenching with each word. He took a breath before hitting his fist back on the same place. My head spinned when i hit the chair and fell on the floor again, swaying the chair with me.

My breathing was rapid, as i was having a hard time with inhaling and exhaling the bit of the oxygen in my lungs.

He moved in my direction and was about to punch my face again, "You!--" his voice caught in his throat while we both looked at the blood oozing from his mouth.

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