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With every step i was taking towards the house, my body was feeling chill and the cold breezes were hitting me.

Coco jumped into my arms from Chris' and i caressed his fur. "I am with you Coco, i won't let anything happen to you." I whispered in his ear to assure him.

The sun had settled down and the half moon had been showing itself in the dark sky with the twinkling stars.

He opened the door while i took a deep breath before taking my steps forward. His eyes were shining and glistening, looking all over the place. He wasn't afraid at all, he was eager. He seemed like a kid who had come into a doll house, like the kid who had always been dreaming about it.

Nothing creepy happened but i was getting an odd feeling from Chris, nevertheless i guessed he was a strong man, physically and mentally both.

'he is not like you.... faint hearted.'

'just stick with him and you'll be safe.'

'this house, i am telling you....'

"Have you ever been in this place?" Chris asked, but his gaze was still all over the place.


"Really!? When!? How!?" He got curious all of a sudden and his expressions changed like a child, but in different way. And before i could point out anything his face was back to its usual self.

'is anything wrong with me?'

'was it my imagination?'

'ohh god are thinking too much, he is Chris.'

'yeah..i have never been in my right senses in this house, this place creeps me out every time.'

"When I came to this town first time, i was just exploring everything but this house is creepy, i don't like it here." I stated.

I didn't tell him everything or about how many times I had been here, i thought i don't need to.

"I am sorry, are you alright? Should we go back?" Chris came near me but i took my step back.

"No, it's fine." I gave him a genuine smile and he smiled back.

"Should we go up?" He asked after a moment and i nodded.

"Yeah sure."

Chris was leading the way while me and Coco were following him. Everything was the same as always in this house. But no bad had happened like all the time i had been here.

When we moved to the room, which i had been already --- the beauty and the beast one --- , Chris took his hand to the knob and twisted it but the door was jammed. He tried to open it but nothing happened.

"I guess this room is locked." He shrugged his shoulders and with a frown he turned around to go back down. "Let's go."

'but it wasn't locked when I came here last time. I've seen it, this room is the best room.'

'maybe it is just jammed or something. God knows how ancient this place is.'

We walked down the stairs and sat on the couch in the living room to take some relaxation.

"So Cutie pie you like the day we've spent?" Chris took Coco from me and gave a peck on his head while Coco gave a small woof in agreement.

After placing Coco on his lap , he moved toward me, "And you Ma'am?" Showing his puppy face.

I giggled "yup, i had an amazing and funny time with you."

"Good job Chris." He patted his own back and shrugged off with an attitude while ran his hand through his hair, which made me laugh.

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