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The next day, me and Coco went to meet Karisma at our usual place. Now she was the only hope i had.

Last night had been devastated to me, i was unable to sleep. Every word that Karisma said yesterday was still going through my mind like a sound of thundering storms, that i had hated the most. Thunder storms always had the urge to give me goosebumps to the very core of my body.

"Hey!" Karisma beamed, her excitement to see me was the same but her expressions were lacking the usual smile of her, clutching me in her embrace.

"Hi." My enthusiasm was nothing like the always. I was in panic and she knew that already. She gave a small peck to Coco and put some crushed cookie in a bowl for him, that she might have bought. "I made it for you cutie pie, i hope you like it."

She passed the jar, full of cookies as we sat down. Though, i wasn't in a mood to eat anything, but i hadn't had the urge to deny them, so I picked out one cookie since she made it with so much love and care.

However, Without wasting a single minute, she took a deep sigh, as she was going to give me the answers to my unasked questions.
"I want you to get out of that house as soon as possible," she repeated the words again, but the fear was still there in her guts, "it's for you and your dearest ones safety."

I waited patiently as always, i didn't say anything, I'd known she'd tell me whatever she knew, so i gave her the time to think it through and talk more calmly, without panic.

When yesterday i saw her in that position, i was unable to form my mind, whether to talk to her about it or not. This was the first time ever I'd seen her so afraid and dreadful. I didn't want to see that Karisma again, not because the reasons that revolves around me. It was almost as physically painful to see her tears tickling down her cheeks without her knowing it.

"She's dead." Her words shook me hard.

'Then why did she ask me last time, that if I've seen her or felt her. What's that supposed to mean?'

"She was the almightiest witch ever. The way she was able to do things, not a single person can do that, not still in this era. She has died a long long centuries ago. I've heard that she killed herself for someone she has loved too much but he cheated on her, and she was too furious that she did not even kill him but also cursed his soul." She explained. I saw her body trembling, when she talked about that woman.

'I have heard this story, Mrs. Parker told me about it. Is it connected to that haunted house?'

'What if the woman I've seen in that picture is that same woman, who has loved the boy, who lived in that haunted house?'

'But the picture and the lady, I've been seeing, were so different from each other. She looks like that now? That's horrible?!'

"I've heard this." I interjected, remembering the same last sentences that Mrs. Parker told me the other day.

"Where? When? Who told you about it?" She asked, bewildered.

"I didn't know the entire story, but about that -- she killed herself and she killed the boy, who cheated so badly, and the curse; all of it. But I didn't know that she was the same person who is on that picture." I responded. I recognised, there was a lot to know. "This is famous in town, isn't it?" I added.

"Yup, it is. But those who know her very well, won't tell you about her in any case. She's like a bad luck, she'd get to know if we utter words related to her, and not really, but she might kill that person." Her face had cold sweat, her eyes were shrinked with fear as she let out the last words.

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