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After looking at his expressions before pulling my hand away, i got the sick feeling when i felt a cold breath fanning my stranded hairs. I was frightened down the soles of my shoes. The flame ended and the only room which was lighting up got dark.

He pulled my hand, moving my body with his strength, right into his arms. My heart was pounding fast for both reasons and i clenched his shirt firmly, when he wrapped his hand around me.

I was sure he could hear my heartbeat easily or anyone in that house could. A tear rolled down my cheek and i wipped it immediately. I wanted myself to be strong, i wasn't bothered to crying in front of him 'Cause I'd never been. I always showed my emotions, without any hesitation whenever I'm with him, not being self-conscious at all.

I squeezed my eyes and hugged him tightly, when i heard that same horrible yet creepy voice of that lady again "stay away!"

I hoped he heard it too or else I wouldn't be able to tell him why i was so scared. That voice always made me feel like I might throw up, my body went cold with dread, my blood froze in my veins, my heart was uneasy.

I sensed his hands curved my body firmly into his. "STAY AWAY!!!" Her voice was deep, it had low tones that scraped like nails on a blackboard and a hiss on the letter S. It sounded as though it had been broken on the rack, thin and pained. What started as a whisper rose to a scream so high that i buried my head into the crook of his neck, and tears filled my eyes. I heard Coco growled and felt his furr touching my feet.

I heard the windows rattling and the furniture shifting. My heart leaped into my throat, stomach clenched. I let out a low shriek and the tears I'd been holding started flowing.

I cried out, Praying in my heart. I didn't know who was she, why was she here? Wasn't she in that isolated house? I just wanted her to go.

Everything went serene, after i heard the shattering of glass. I was so frightened that i hadn't let go him. I was shaking and knew he had been sensing me. I was cold and the breezes coming in the room were making me freeze.

I felt his hand touching my head and he caressed my head like I'm a child while making me feel calm.

'tell him, he doesn't need to do this. His presence is enough.'

I don't know since how long I'd been holding him like this --- maybe hours, but i wanted the time to stop and we would be like this till I get bored, which i knew i could never be.

"It's okay, Everything is alright now. Stop crying, please." He said in a soft and sweet tone that chocolate would be less sweet as compared to him. He said like he was begging me to stop crying, like it was hurting him too.
His worried voice making my heart flattered, but i knew he was just being a gentleman. And maybe he would've done the same if there were any other girl on my place.

'don't give me hopes please.'

'stop being nice.'

'i won't be able to handle myself if i let myself falling for you.'

'don't do this please.'

'you need to be strong iliana.'

'you can't be in one-sided love.'

'love is not what you can hope from him.'

After the debating and turning my heart into stone, i pulled myself back from him harshly and sit on a hand or two distance away from him.
The moonlight was brightening up the room enough that i could see his face turning all guilty. But why would he be guilty?

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