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"Sweetie, would you mind, going to hand this to Chris?" Mom asked, as we were sitting on the dinning table having our dinner.

I hadn't been talking much since the day Coco had left us. Mom and dad had been trying their best to make me feel alive again, but maybe my inner self had already died with him.

"Ok." I made a quick nod. I still was feeling their eyes on me. I knew they were worried for me, but i was long gone to think anything.

I couldn't stop that witch, i had known who did that to Coco, though, my heart was aching whenever i had been thinking how to make it stop from loving him. Nothing was on my side. I hadn't even met or seen Noah since that last day when i lashed out at him and he, as always, stood there. He didn't deny my allegations yet he also didn't accept them. And I knew that the light of hope was still visible in my heart, that he didn't do that. He wasn't the one who killed my Coco.

Until he would accept it by himself, my heart would never accept him guilty. But i was feeling like, i was betraying Coco by letting my heart allow all this.

I had been crying, almost every night; whenever i needed the warmth, and i knew that Coco was nowhere to snuggle against me. He was nowhere to make me laugh through my tears. He was nowhere to help me to pull from this devastating situation.

She handed me the pasta dish and i headed to Chris' House. When i tried to knock the door, and my knuckles touched it, a little gap formed, as i saw the door was already opened.

I walked in, remembering the last time this same situation had happened, when Mrs. Parker passed away. In a panic, i called his name, "Chris." No response.

I put the dish on the table and whipped to check the rooms. No one was in the house.

Dread twisted in me, and i walked out, closing the door. I searched him around the house but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. The memories of underground room filled my mind, and just as mine backyard, i found a handle covered in the frozen grass.

This one was different, it wasn't showing a lot to get in but a small space, just to descend the stairs. I alighted the stairs, with my phone's flashlight. My hands were shaking, as the amount of fear started forming in my gut.

There was no room, as i had in my backyard, but a tunnel. I walked further and there I saw a  brown door. It was already opened so i took my steps in.

"I'm trying my best to infatuate her, but it seems like my charm is not working on her!" I heard Chris' voice, he was seeming angry as he almost shrieked on some parts.

"What is wrong with your Charm? This always works with everyone, you even lured me so many times!" I heard another voice. It was gentle, soft, light; it was a woman.

I followed the voices, my eyes widened and i gasped in horror when i saw a human man's body was hanging on the board in a standing Position, the nails were hammered on both of his palms, prevent him to fall. His feet were captivated in the metallic hard chain with pins. The blood was oozing from his palms and feet but it was frozen with the cold. He seemed to me dead, as his face was white and lifeless.

My instincts triggered me, and i hid myself behind one of the pillars, yet i was having the perfect view of all of them; Chris, that woman, and the dead man.

I closed the flash, and put one hand on my mouth from preventing myself to scream and the other on my accelerated heart to calm it down, but it was impossible for me to do it now. I was so petrified of what I was seeing at that moment.

I glanced at the woman, she was so gorgeous, same long thick hair I'd seen so many times, her eyes were green as they were sparkling in the reflection of the light. She was wearing a long gown with a high makeup.

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