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Dad had gone yesterday, and today me and Karisma were ready to execute our plan.

"We can do this?" Karisma bit her lower lip nervously.

I put my hand on her shoulder and reassured "We can do this."

Karisma put her bag pack on her shoulders and we paced forth to the isolated house, holding each other's hands firmly. We both knew how terrified we were. Though, i had my reasons, but Karisma was just risking her life for me.

'Blessed to have her.'

We stood in front of that house for a little longer to pull our strength together, while making our mind strong. "We can do this." We stated, looking at each other. Giving a slight nod, we moved forward.

We directly walked to the basement, but the shiver passed through us with every step. Karisma gasped when she looked at Noah and Blair's body.

"That's Noah!" She grasped, with an open mouth. A little blush covered my cheeks but i turned my mind back to work.

As i slid the glass and my skin contacted his body, chills passed through me. He was cold like ice in Antarctica. Looking at his lifeless body, a tear rolled down my cheek.

'It's not time to cry. It's time for action only.'
i wiped my tear and Karisma helped me to take him upto his room. It was quite a very difficult task since he was so heavy that we were getting out of breath myriad times.

Karisma made that whole thing up -- a huge circle where we put Noah's body in the middle of it.

"He's so heavy!" Karisma said getting out of breath.

"Do I need to stay with you or should I go to check up on that Blair?" I asked, flexing my arms and fingers.

"Honestly, i don't want you to go close to her. Can't we do it in any other way?" She held my hands in hers, before i could respond in deniel she said herself, "i know, we have no other option but..." Her eyes pulled together, as the worry filled her stomach.

I squeezed her hands, trying to reassure her. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"STOP IT!" Karisma and i jumped in horror as she heard a loud bang of the door slamming. My eyes reached to see Noah, his chest fuming up and down.

My heart bawled and ecstatic at the same time, as my lips curved into a unknown smile. My eyes shining when they met his ocean blue hues. I could see his body relaxing but he didn't lose his hard-straight face, as he looked directly in my eyes.

"Noah?" Karisma pointed her index finger at him.

"You can see him?" I puzzled.
When she nodded, most of my stress flew away like a caged Bird.

"Stop it, iliana." Noah said, his expressions unreadable, yet i knew he was so concerned for me that's why he came.

"Please!" I pleaded with my soft eyes but he wasn't in a mood to come into my emotions this time. He knew, that he couldn't afford to let anyone harm me.

"No! You're not doing it!" He ordered with a harsh tone, yet his words still soothed me.

'I am sorry, Noah! I can't step out of this now. I've already come so deep in it.'

'I know you care for me. But i care for you too, i care for my mom, my Coco. I can't let them go that easily. Please, trust me, i can do this!'

My eyes pleading to him. I knew he was listening every single word of my thoughts, that's the only way i could talk to him now. Because, maybe if i would've uttered any more word, I would've started crying. And i couldn't afford to do that at this point.

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