Chapter XII

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The phone number came to nothing as it was frequently turning to voicemail or just switched off. Determined to get settled and to start providing, he chanced it by just turning up using Lucy's scribbled directions. After several false turns he eventually spotted a rustic cabin - thankfully identifiable by its signage as a rangers post. Pulling off along the gravel and dirt tract, he turned the key in the ignition. Opening the door, he was hit with the smell of wolf and he hesitated, taking note of the any potential threat present. His eyes didn't detect anything larger than a rabbit but the scent of wolf was strong and he subconsciously settled into a defensive pose just in case. Only one scent was recent and before he could change his mind, the scent came closer and a uniformed man emerged from behind the cabin. Cautious of the others actions, they met halfway, the gravel crunching under step. Nate thought he'd made a huge mistake as he took in the unwelcoming stance of the shifter squaring off in front of him. He was about to cut his losses when the shifter opened his mouth. "You wouldn't be the fella my Lu's been going on about would you?"

Nate didn't know quite how to respond but after clearing his throat said "Good things I hope?"

"Haha, why didn't you say so. I've a right mind to be jealous the way Lu's been talking about you but from what I've heard you're quite attached already." He lifted his eyebrow at the end and Nate chuckled as they then wiggled.

"Mates huh. Evangeline deserves it, she's a good'un. Must have been quite the distraction to miss Lu's mark. Name's Bruce by the way," he said as he struck out a hand. "Heard you're in need of a job."

Still working on alert, it took a moment to process the rapid change in behaviour and take in the words that followed in a much warmer though still gruff voice. He grasped the hand and shook it – being mindful of the careful balance between dominance and submission. "Nate Carter," he said and Bruce's lips curled up into a smile and he attempted the same. His historic wariness had always stood him in good stead before but his mate was here so this was where he would stay. Bruce seemed nice enough and was either very good at putting on a show or appeared to have relaxed. His thoughts were confirmed when Bruce offered him a box of cigarettes.

"No thanks." Nate muttered as he couldn't help but let his eyes flit around quickly to assess for any further wolves.

"Good for you. Never should have started myself and Lu nags me endlessly but hey I started when I was eleven, stopping now seems a tad pointless" he said with a shrug before lighting one and shoving the slightly scrunched pack back into his trousers. "When can you start?" He asked after a particular long drag.

Taken aback by the offer, his words weren't the most coherent when they came out. "Whaaat. I mean but I ...dont you want to... Sorry, thank you very much. What does the role involve?" Bruce was on the verge of laughing and seemed to enjoy the initial word vomit a little too much.

"What you'd probably be doing anyway." He said with a wink. "Patrol the area, report any danger - natural, human, animal or shifter in nature. Help in the search of any lost idiots who stray where they shouldn't - this job has truly shown me the complete incompetence of human sense of direction." Bruce said shaking his head in exasperation but with eyes still warm and tender. Nodding his head, seeing the appeal his mind wandered back to his mate. He missed being around her and he worried if she was okay.

"Of course, you'd need to be introduced to the alpha at some stage too since I presume you're sticking around." Bruce added with a wink, taking the last drag from his cigarette. Nate's hair went up at the sound of the alpha. He'd never been one for social gatherings or authority figures. He tried to shake it off though as he wasn't leaving and it was a price he was more than willing to pay. His pride might take a hit but he would pretty much do anything if it meant he could stay with his mate.

"But that can wait for now. Lu says you wouldn't be any trouble with the way you were staring at Evangeline," he said with a chuckle. "Whilst you are here you can start by giving me a hand with fixing the damn plumbing inside. Come on in." Bruce said with a wave, already strolling back towards the rustic shelter.

After a moment's hesitation Nate followed. He needed a job and it seemed a good idea. Eva had obviously done very well for herself and Dylan but he wanted to help as much as he could. As much as she would let him. The thought put a damper on things as he knew that before he could do so, she would have to find out who and what he was. A headache started to form as he berated himself again for letting her think they'd never met before. In that moment of no recognition though he hadn't been able to tell her and be rejected yet again so soon after seeing her again. He vowed to make her see just how incredible they could be together; hoping that it would be enough when that dreaded conversation had to happen. An overwhelming urge had him almost rushing back but he fought it back for what felt the hundredth time. He knew it was stupid she was in school and Dylan was in daycare. They were safe and he had to find a way to stay in their lives. Come on focus, he told himself as he squatted down to see the damage that Bruce had been talking about when he'd been distracted. He'd not had much use for any sort of plumbing in the last few years so it took a second to process what he was seeing. He'd previously picked up the odd jobs here and there as spare labour so was able to offer a helpful suggestion which seemed to win Bruce over further. Shoving his sleeves further up his arms, he got to work in fixing the split pipework as Bruce chatted away. When it was clear that he wasn't going to get much back, he was glad that Bruce didn't seem offended and just rambled away.

"Right it looks like you've got this nearly sorted. I'm going to get the maps out to better show you the territory before heading out for a patrol."

Nate nodded as he tightened the last nut in place.

"Do you want to run the water through to see it's fixed first?" Nate started but as he looked up, Bruce was already by the stop clock turning it open. Flicking the tap up he held his breath slightly anxious and heaved a sigh of relief when it sputtered to life with no signs of leaks.

"Good job Carter. Put the kettle on and we'll a spot of tea before we head out," Bruce muttered gesturing to the kettle as he unravelled a large map placing weights at each corner.

Doing as he was asked he dumped a tea bag into two metal mugs and seeing no other additives brought them to the table filled with freshly boiled water. Handing one over to Bruce, Nate's gaze fell on the map that had slightly different markings to the larger one on the wall. Bending closer he analysed it closer trying to memorise the boundaries of wolf territories. Taking a sip he listened attentively as Bruce pointed at common areas of concerns or attack points. Quickly locating Eva's house, he was pleased when it was set back from the western border which apparently had the most infiltration of stray mutts.

Bruce leant back and stretched his back with a groan. "Oh to be young again."

Nate stood back and smiled politely at the man. He barely looked fifty but wolves – indeed all shifters - age could be deceptive as they aged much slower than humans.

"I'm done for the day. Come back here tomorrow for eight AM and we'll go see the Alpha before patrol. Probably best not to shift again until you meet him – just to save any confusion."

Nate was disappointed slightly as he had keyed himself up for a long run and the added anticipation of meeting the Alpha didn't help his mood. Tense he nearly lashed out as Bruce patted him on the arm.

"Sorry Carter."

Nate gave a brief nod as he strived to calm his tensed muscles down.

Bruce glanced down at his wrist to a watch on a battered leather strap. He smiled and seemed to perk up further, his eyes sparkling as he glanced back up. "I'm gonna pick up my mate Lu from work, cheer up and go and say hi to Eva. I'm sure she could take your mind on better topics," Bruce winked and Nate fought a grin as glorious flashbacks filtered across his vision.

"Thanks Bruce, I'll see you tomorrow morning," Nate said already swishing the mug clean, now eager to see a certain redhead. Chuckling Bruce washed his own mug but Nate was already halfway to his car. 

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