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As the board game continued well past bedtime, Dylan was adamant that he wasn't tired but the little lads eyes kept on closing until finally, he gave in. Barrelled up with a hug and a promise to continue the game the next day, Nathan waved goodnight from the bottom of the stairs as his mate and son disappeared off to sleep. Collecting the bowls and cups up off the floor, he deposited them into the dishwasher. It clicked shut as he stood distracted, gazing out - but not seeing - the garden. He instead was listening to the bedtime ritual going on above his head. Eva wished Dylan goodnight one last time, and he yearned for the easy way in which they expressed their love and affection. Would it ever be that easy?

Tucking the spare sheet into the sofa creases, he'd just thrown the pillow to the end when he heard the first tentative footfall on the stairs. His head whipped towards the sound and hurriedly re-dressed. He sat to wait but scrambled to his feet when awkwardness set in. He clenched his hands behind his back but that felt too formal. Instead he shook them out and shoved them into his jeans pocket. The footsteps stopped short of the ground floor and he listened tentatively as her heart sped in her chest. Contemplating his options, he queried whether he should just fake innocence and head past the stairs as if going to the kitchen. The decision was made for him when she re-entered the room. He tried to pretend that he hadn't been waiting but his acting skills failed him. She was dressed in a near see-through, flowing night wear. The pale green complimented her skin perfectly and he realised that his jaw had dropped. She hid her blush in her hair for a second before peeking out and twisting so the light material floated around her.

His reaction encouraged her and she tried to attach some boldness - far beyond what she felt - to the way she walked towards him. For days now she'd been building the courage and tonight was the outcome. She was tired of caring what everyone else thought; he was amazing to her and to Dylan and she couldn't pretend anymore how much she wanted him. His little touches burned deeply within her and filled her with anticipation. She stopped just inches away and he shuddered as her breath landed on his chest having forgotten to rebutton the last couple.

"Hi," she managed to get out. Her head was forced to tilt back with their closeness so she could look into his eyes.

"Not tired?" He asked, clenching his hands into fists inside his pockets. Her desire was heady to smell and clear in her eyes. She shook her head with a smile and he held in a groan as it increased the scent. His heart was racing along with hers and he itched to hold her in his arms. Breaking from her ensnaring gaze, he gestured at the television and mumbled something about wanting to watch something. The remote was only a metre away and yet it felt a mile. He walked robotically and aimed the gathered remote at the screen. He asked her to join as he sat and he hated to see the doubt clouding her eyes as she just stared for a moment at the seat that he had gestured to. After a moment she acquiesced and sat on the very edge, her back too straight for it to be comfortable.

He had turned the television on in an attempt to fill the silence but it was to no avail, nothing remotely interesting was on. He eventually gave in and just left it on the current advert. The charged atmosphere seemed to hum between them, despite not even touching. He was distinctly aware of every movement his mate made as she sat in that alluring outfit less than a metre away. His mouth dried up as he examined the side on view. He was so caught up that when she suddenly burst out laughing it took him by surprise.

"What?" He asked, puzzled and yet pleased at whatever had made her laugh so. "What's so funny?"

She turned back towards him and after a momentary pause answered: "I never took you for a wedding dress channel shopper?" Her teasing tone had lit up her eyes and he could only shrug in reply.

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