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The sun had come out and after their typical swim session, Eva invited him to stay for a picnic. She'd been wanting to ask him for a few days but had never worked up the courage. She'd put together the food anyway and she was relieved when he agreed. She wondered why she was ever worried though as he hurried around to her beaming wide. He took the swimming bag as she struggled with the front door and had already disappeared to the laundry room by the time she shrugged out of her cardigan.

Dylan had run after him, and she took a moment to calm herself. The last meal, just the three of them, hadn't gone too well. The awkwardness had lasted for days. She had to marshall and then burry her feelings as she'd finally started to admit that she had them. Heading into the kitchen, she extracted the food from the fridge and was just plating it when the pair of them came in with Dylan riding on his shoulders.

"Can I help?" Nate asked, holding Dylan securely by his shins.

"Um..." she paused, cotton wool seeming in her mouth. He was just too damn attractive. Her heart raced and she caught her eyes drifting over his fitted tank top for the hundredth time that day. "You can take out the blanket," she said, when she found her voice again, gesturing to one she had got out ahead of time. "I'll be out shortly."

Nate hesitated as he glanced down at the feast that she would no doubt carry out but did as she asked and headed out back into the sunshine with Dylan. He could tell she was getting flustered and he didn't want to unnerve her further. She was definitely checking him out though more and he made a note to wear the form fitting top again. He'd never worried so much about clothing than when he was meeting up with his mate. It was beyond silly.

Laying out the large tartan blanket, he lowered himself to the ground and then dropped a giggling Dylan backwards. He twisted to check Dylan was okay, second guessing his decision, but Dylan was already scrambling to his knees and clapping his hands together with excitement. "Again, again, again," Dylan called and Nate reached out to tickle him. Dylan collapsed into him, riggling as he fought against Nate's long fingers. At last letting go, Dylan collapsed in a heap and giggled. Dylan wasn't still for long though and crawled to the edge and copied Nate who was neatening the edges so it was spread out fully.

"Thanks kiddo," Nate said when they were done and ruffled his hair lightly. Dylan beamed and launched into talking him through each of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He'd just learned that Mikey was most definitely his favourite when Eva popped through the doors with her arms full. Snapping up, he headed towards her and relieved her of a lemonade pitcher and cups.

"Thanks," Eva said as she rolled her shoulder that had been carrying it.

"No problem." Nate said, wishing she would be comfortable in him massaging the pain away. He knew she wouldn't be though so didn't even offer.

"I can't believe you've never watched them," Dylan said as they neared.

"Watched what?" Eva asked as Dylan climbed over Nate's leg to sit against her.

"Teenage ninja turtles." Nate said and poured some lemonade into al three cups.

"Noooo. Teenage mutant ninja turtles," Dylan corrected with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Nate said but raised an eyebrow to Eva who burst into laughter. "No I haven't watched them."

"Can we watch it now?" Dylan asked, scrambling onto his feet and tugging Nate's hand.

"Easy tiger, let's eat first," Eva said, pulling him back down. Cuting up a piece of quiche and a ham sandwich, she placed some grapes and crisps on it before placing it in Dylan's lap.

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