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Staring at Dylan playing with his set of green ninja turtles, Eva tucked her legs into her chest.

"What did you mean when you said that Dylan is one too?" She said quietly and Nate froze before sitting up from his bent over position. Turning towards her he tried to catch her eye but she avoided it.

"It's not a hundred percent but most of the times when a shifter mates with a human, the kids are shifters too."

Eva looked up in hope and his heart twinged at the reaction- both that she hoped Dylan wasn't and that he would have to break that hope.

"I knew the first time I saw Dylan that he me that is," he sadi gently and he watched as her shoulders slumped and her teeth dug into her lower lip.

"Oh," she said. She tried to hide her disappointment with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

"He's already faster and stronger than other kids his age."

"Kim from nursery said that too..." she said as continued to look worried.

"I'll teach him. He won't be alone. He won't shift before puperty," he added as he shifted along the sofa towards her. He held his breath as she didn't move away before putting an arm around her. "And I'll talk him through it," he said tucking hair behind her ear. She glanced at him and her worries bled through. "I can't change it Eva. Yes it's painful but the feeling it gives is indescribable." He picked her up in her tucked position and onto his lap. He should have known better to talk about the pain. Dropping his forehead onto hers, he pecked her lightly on the lips but pulled back before he got carried away. "I would never shift again if that's what you truly want. I just want you. You and Dylan," he said.

"He'll be different," she said quietly.

"That's not a bad thing Angel. You've raised a sweet, generous, funny, smart kid. Being a shifter won't change that." Nate paused as Eva seemed to weigh up his words. "Thanks for letting me in, I know it's been weighing on you," he said as he tried to coach her out more. "Any questions or concerns, I'm an open book. I'll do my best to address your concerns. I don't like you worried or scared."

"It's called being a mother," Eva said and Nate laughed. It triggered the first genuine smile on her face all afternoon.

"And you are such a great mum," he said honestly. "I only hope to learn how to be as good a dad."

"Thanks. You're pretty good already," she added.

"Pretty good," he said jokingly, liking her lighter spirit. It wasn't the end of the conversation by far but as she relaxed into his frame and dropped her legs, he knew for now it was over. Kissing her temple, she wrapped his arms around her tighter as the movie with Dylan's favourite turtles finally started. Looking at her still upset expression, he squeezed her tighter, hoping that his embrace would make her feel better. She'd had a long day with emotions flying everywhere and he wanted to offer any and all the support she needed.

"I love you," he whispered into her ear and she snuggled against him more. She tucked her head into his neck and he dropped a kiss onto her forehead.

Focusing on Dylan who was avidly watching, he settled in for the movie - doubting that either of them would watch till the end. He was right but knowing how stubborn they were, he let the film run till the credits. When they finally rolled around he gently nudged Eva. Gently placing down onto the cushions, she yawned cutely and almost seemed to settle back down. Scooping Dylan into his arms, he turned back to Eva and realised that he didn't want to wake her again. Carefully shifting Dylan into one arm, he cautiously bent over to pick up Eva too, not wanting to wake either of them up. He managed and slwoly made his way up the stairs. Gently laying Eva onto her bed, he wrapped the duvet back around her and backed out of the room.Changing Dylan into his pyjamas, he smiled at how much easier it was then that first time. Tucking him in, he lent forward giving him a kiss to the forehead and brushed hair off it. Standing back up, he held in a groan at his tight muscles. His body wanted to shift and run but he couldn't do that now.

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