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Eva twisted in her sleep repeatedly and his jaw clenched each time she whimpered. Kissing her hair, she settled in his embrace but he knew it wouldn't last. Dylan had crawled in with them at three from his own nightmare and his arm was wrapped around both of them. He couldn't sleep. It was all his fault. It was now the fourth night in a row and his nerves were shot. Eva always denied them and focused on Dylan but it was clear as day. He'd sometimes woke her to distract her and she would sob into his chest. He tightened his hold as he thought of the hours it took to settle her last night. This needed to end!

He needed to settle it for good and then maybe the nightmares would slowly dissipate. Resolved, he started to plan how he would put it right. It wouldn't be easy going alone but he couldn't wait nearly another month before he could even start discussing it with the Alpha. There was only so long he could remain alert and at some point his concentration would slip and allow them access. The danger wasn't subsiding it was escalating with each day. He couldn't lie to Eva and he hated how he did for Dylan as they agreed they didn't want to scare him. He pondered whether to take up Bruce's offer for help but then decided against it. Bruce would get in trouble with his alpha and besides still being strong he wasn't on the young side by far. Instead he made plans to leave Dylan and Eva protected on pack land whilst he went after them alone. It was definitely risky and he would have to come up with a different excuse as otherwise Eva would never let him leave.

He waited until Eva was distracted with dressing Dylan to slip out and dial the emergency number. It was picked up on the second ring and an unknown voice answered suspiciously having not recognised the number.

"Nate calling. I work with Bruce," Nate added when his name was initially met with silence.

"Ah," came the voice and he continued in a much friendly tone. "Axon here. What can I do for you Nate?"

"I need to bring my human mate and shifter child onto pack lands for protection. I'm bringing them in twenty minutes," Nate stated and was just about to hang up when Axon hastily sputtered down the phone.

"Wait, what? Why? What's happened?"

"Your alpha knows," Nate said and cut the line, pissed off as he thought again about being made to wait.

He grabbed some breakfast bars and put together a bag of Dylan's favourite toys. Eva rounded the kitchen, her eyebrows in her hairline as she took in the on-the-go breakfast and bag.

"You up for an adventure Dylan," he asked as he crouched down before him. Dylan yawned but nodded and hugged his bag excitedly to his chest, hand already digging in to extract Mikey – his favourite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Nate ruffled his hair and stood back up. He looked warily into Eva's concerned gaze and took her arm, leading her to the corner of the kitchen.

"We need to go. I'm going to take you somewhere safe. They are shifters too, but wolves. Not like the strays," he hastily added as her eyes widened in panic. "Please, let's just go," he pleaded and for once she accepted without question. There was something he wasn't telling her but she trusted him to keep them safe.

"Okay," Eva began and he kissed her forehead gratefully as he squeezed his eyes tight.

"I love you both so much," Nate said, and Eva gripped him tighter at that as her concern grew but he stepped out of her grasp and followed as he shepherded the sleepy Dylan out the house.

Eva kept on glancing between the road, Dylan and Nate and her heart was beating widely in her chest. His hand reached down to hers and brought it to his lips for a kiss. Her heart sped for a different reason, and he slowly lowered it back down. He kept hold of her hand and asked again that she trust him.

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