Chapter IV

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His eyes snapped open and meeting the alarmed gaze of his mate, he sprang backwards off the bed, having already assessed there was no-one else in the apartment. She scrambled backwards, clutching tightly at the sheet as she watched him with shock. He held up his hands in surrender and waited for her to remember.

"Shush, it's just me Eva. Nathanial remember?" He pressed when she continued to remain frozen, shoulders heaving as she just gazed at him.

As his blue eyes continued to stare at her, she took in his naked frame and blushed as it came rushing back. She winced as she shifted positons, recognising the reason for why she was so sore. With a start, her fingers reached up and fingered her shoulder, and her eyes widened as she felt the irregular ridges.

"What did you do?" She yelled in a whisper and scrambled back further when he made a move to come closer. However, she had forgotten the edge of the bed, and with a loud yelp fell off the edge. Her head cracked against the floor and the next thing she knew she was being cradled against a warm muscular body. Fingers were inspecting her head, pressing gently but still making her wince. She felt his fingers start to stroke her hair and unconsciously she felt herself lean into his embrace.

"You'll be fine," he whispered into the silence. "Eva," he mumbled and she rubbed her face against his chest making him moan in desire. "Eva, we need to talk," he mumbled catching hold of her shoulder by accident brushing his mark. His dick jolted at the contact, and he brushed it again, grinning as she moaned and pushed against his hand. "Eva," he groaned out but he wasn't able to finish as she launched herself expectantly at his lips. 

Twisting on his lap, she gripped his hair, pulling sharply when he didn't respond quickly enough. He pulled her against him tighter, frustrated at the sheet separating their bodies. Dropping his head down to her shoulder, he swirled his tongue around and around on his mark as she threw her head back, arching her back against the onslaught. Her nails dug into his shoulders and he ripped through the sheet in urgency. She gasped as his warm frame met her naked chest and grew frustrated when he seemed to hesitate. She wondered why he faltered, she could feel him throbbing between them and she needed him inside of her. Conflicted, he swore as she suddenly rose up against him only to land harshly down against his tip. It slipped in only an inch before her walls clamped down in a vice like grip. 

"Eva," he gasped against her skin as she slowly forced downwards taking all of him inside of her. Clutching her tightly against him, he helped her rise and fall against him. He matched her pace with upward thrusts of his own, making her moan as she delved deeper with each subsequent thrust. He felt her approach her peak and he slammed up faster, groaning at the effort as he forced himself to continue pumping as she clenched around him, squeezing him to death, milking him for all his worth. His head dropped forwards, as she melted, exhausted against him.

"Eva?" he whispered gently into her ear as he trailed fingers up and down her spine. She shook her head against him, and he pulled her head back as he felt tears drop onto his skin. "What's wrong?" he asked shocked at the sudden change, "Eva tell me, please," he begged but she wouldn't let on.

So many emotions were running through her and it was all too much for her to handle. She'd gone from angry and scared to desperately needing him inside of her. It was all too confusing and she hated herself, feeling like a slut. Frustrated at her silence, he let her cry it out, hoping that she would let him in soon. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her but she knew she wasn't ready to hear it. Humans were stubborn things about the notion of love and from what he had learned in the short time together this one in particular wouldn't believe it just yet. He had to make her trust him and then he would be able to tell her and hope that she would feel the same. 

He cradled her head against his chest and made sure not to touch his mark, doubting she could take anymore. Her cries petered out, until only an occasional hiccup was heard as he continued to stroke her hair. Standing up, she started to panic as he shifted within her but gripped him tighter when he pulled his hips back.

"How about a shower, angel?" He asked, brushing her hair from her face before gently tucking it behind her ear. She nodded but then protested as he lifted her off of his hardening member. Her hips tried to shift downwards to be filled once more, but his grip tightened as he spat out a hurried "no!"

Rejection swam through her and added to her shame, but she couldn't pull away from his hold, instead she clutched harder at his shoulders. He squeezed her gently, at the higher height, hoping to convince her that he was doing it for her own good. She must be sore and they really needed to talk, and walking with himself inside her just didn't seem plausible without fucking her up against the wall.

Barely able to walk he shuffled across and into the other room she had vanished to before and was met with a tiny cubicle shower. Disappointment flooded him as a good soak would have been much better and the idea of washing her had filled his mind.

Reaching into the shower, he turned on some knobs, testing the water repeatedly waiting for it to warm up. She still clung to him, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, and he hated the idea of the separation. Her body wrapping around his seemed the most right thing in the world. He tried to lightly pull at her waist but she just dug her heels in. "No!," she muttered shaking her head, as she clutched him tighter.

"Eva, angel, please. Just for a shower," he cajoled but he was out of luck and he gave up, stepping under the hot stream. He heard her gasp at the sudden onslaught and moved forwards so it hit his head first, breaking the surprisingly strong water pressure. He barely held in the groan as her slippery breasts, hardened with lust, moved against his chest. Her hormones, were all he could smell and he clenched his jaw tight together to help resist the temptation. 

He moved her to the side to reach for the shower gel, only to swear, hand lashing out against the wall for support as she rubbed herself against his hip. His hand gripped her tighter, unable to force himself to force her to stop as she began to pant. He turned his face to meet her heated gaze and groaned as he gave in. Twisting her back around he thrust deep within her, loving the grin as her toes curled at the sensation. He could barely move, tight as the cubicle was even with her pressed up against the wall. Pressing his forehead against hers, she stole his breath as he thrust away with wild abandon as she grinned at him. 

The water continue to drench them, and she distantly dreaded what her water bill would be like but knew that it would be worth it. She pushed her heels into his butt rhythmically, urging him in deeper, unable to look away from his gaze which seemed to strip away ever single word of doubt she'd ever had. Her legs tensed as she felt the now familiar sensation grow and threw her head back unable to cope with his gaze for a second longer. He released inside her, clasping her bum as her legs loosened and wearily rested her head down onto his shoulder.

"That was very naughty of you angel," he muttered teasingly and she hit out playfully in return, making him chuckle at her exhausted expression. He slipped out of her, and this time she didn't protest, as he held her against him and washed her briefly with soap, and they both moaned as he hit her shoulder. He felt her legs about to give and pressed her against the wall so he could attack her hair next. 

Smelling fresh as a lemon, he carried his sleepy mate out of the shower, briefly noted the wet mess of the bathroom floor before grabbing the single towel before rubbing her down. Her hands landed on his shoulders for support as he bent to dry her legs. Grabbing her wrist, he kissed the inside before quickly using the towel to dry off himself before wrapping it around her tightly. Scooped up into his arms, she giggled sleepily as she took in the floor.

AN: please let me know what you think.

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