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Three years later....

"You can't catch me," a female called through the air, giggling as she ran past unaware of the danger she put herself in coming so far off the trail.

"I'm coming for you," a deeper voice boomed jovially as a man jogged through the little clearing. The excited gleam that lit up the human's face made his heart hurt at the reminder of her.

The urge to pounce and chase had long since been controlled – one of the few memories he'd had of his father - but as he rested his head back down onto his perch his mind roamed once more towards his mate and what could have been.

The young lovers' laughter, tore at his heart and circled round and round his head in an unending cacophony as they explored. The area was barren and far from any human civilisation. He had enjoyed and hated the isolation that it had brought him in the last few months. He was used to being alone for sure, but now it was different - there was a constant call – ripping away even the simplest of pleasures of running or hunting. The couple were way too far from the track for their safety especially since it was clear they weren't avid travellers, just fools in love.

His paws were ineffective in blocking out the sounds and he couldn't help but listen to the light hearted banter that played between them which forced him to wonder at what could have been. As the giggles got louder, he stretched from his position deciding that it was time to move on. This wasn't the first couple who had strayed off of the track here and it wouldn't be the last. He just needed some peace and quiet, he told himself but in truth he knew that was not what he really needed.

A sudden scream, had him launching off of the branch and landing with a loud thud, too distracted to be stealthy. Ears twitching he followed the sounds and scent of the couple seemingly in distress. Her sobs wracked through him lengthening his stride only for him to halt abruptly at the side of a cliff. Rocks plunged down into the river below as he dug in to prevent his forward momentum from carrying him over. Berating himself for not paying attention, he shook his head in an attempt to think clearly and to pinpoint where they were. Peering out from the trees, he uncovered that the man was struggling to hold onto the edge of the cliff whilst the girl panicked above.

Grumbling with indecision, he began the process of shifting into his now foreign, human form. It was more painful then he remembered, almost as bad as the first shift though that might have been because he was out of practise. He'd remained in his shifted state when he had given up hope of a phone call, nonetheless he'd kept the phone safe – just in case. As his bones, muscles and ligaments metamorphosed, his flung his head back to avoid seeing the hands that had clutched her to him so tightly and yet was unable to keep her there. Feeling the phone strap become looser around his diminished frame he caught it before it hit the ground and made sure it was snug against his neck and shoulder. Muscles protesting, he slowly made it onto his feet for the first time after two years. It was definitely strange to get used to, his shoulders hunched over and he moved awkwardly through the trees. Swiping at the tears that had escaped, he began the final metres towards the couple, his gait growing steadier with every step. He heard a gasp as he emerged and rushed to lower the fainting human girl to the ground. Shaking his head as he saw no obvious injury, he leant over the side and grabbed the man's forearm just as the root he was holding onto gave way. The man struggled beneath him trying to gain footing against the cliff but it just made it more of a nuisance to pull him upright. His human muscles were substantially weaker through lack of use but luckily it was more than enough to pull the sobbing man over to safety. As soon as he was over the edge and realised onto the floor gently, he crumbled and crawled over to his female companion. He was unsuccessful in waking her up, and the despair and panic leaked into his voice despite his obviously fractured ankle laying at an angle. The sight was painful and he had to stop his mind from replacing the girl with his own...Eva! The thought was beyond painful and he grew jealous of the simple life of the human – he was able to be with the women he loved. Hold her...Protect her...Unwelcome images flashed into his mind and a frown grew on his face – was she okay?

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