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Pregnant. That's what a bit of plastic about the size of a toothbrush was telling her. Pregnant. A tiny human being was growing inside of her. His child was growing inside of her. Over the past few days, her nephews had done their best to keep her busy and for the most part it worked. But as soon as she was still, there was a distracted look in her eye that her sister was quick to pick up on. After worrying for a whole day in every spare moment, she had managed to sneak off and find a pharmacy. She couldn't bear to look up to see the disappointment or judgement on the cashiers face and hurried out of the store whilst stuffing the offending bag into her handbag. That was a week ago and yet it was only this morning that she'd summoned up the courage to even open up the packet. It had sat, tucked away from prying eyes and childlike curiosity alike as she waited conflicted, for her late period to arrive. That was then.

PREGNANT! It was plain as day, staring her in the face. How had this happened? She blushed at her own question as memories filed past at a canter. Her uncontrolled screams of pleasure as his eyes bored into her own. His touch which tingled as his large hands traced every curve. That neediness that had overpowered her and had her begging for him to be closer...that feeling of safety and warmth when he held her...the way he had looked at her had made her heart race and a previously unknown burn deep within her that was inly satiated when he...Hurrying to the bedside table, she once again traced the words and bit her lip to prevent the sob from escaping as she again couldn't read the phone number he had left for her. Idly she found herself tracing the indents left on her neck. It had been the tipping point that finally had made her see reason. The dull ache magnified whenever she thought of their...encounter, and she wondered if it was infected. It had healed rapidly, far sooner than she expected. Thankfully it wasn't visible so she didn't have to answer any awkward questions but it still felt conspicuous whenever she brushed her fingers against it.

She'd never been so affected by someone before, never been nearly overwhelmed with feelings and urges that he brought about in her. And in all such a brief time. She wondered several times if she had indeed dreamed it but the plastic stick before her proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he had been real. That what he – no they - had done, had been real. What she couldn't be sure of was the whirlwind of her own emotions and whether he was telling the truth. He seemed ardent enough but her lack of experience and gullible nature made her question everything post hoc.

What would he think? She found herself wondering, would he be a good dad? She shook herself from her stupid daydreams, he wasn't here and she had no way of getting in touch with him, even if he wanted to know. Huddling on the mattress, knees drawn up to her pregnant stomach, she considered her options. Snaking a hand down, she imagined her stomach growing and the baby looking exactly like him. She imagined little fingers wrapping around hers. All the trips and piggy back rides she had shared with her nephews had been replaced with a little boy of her own. Curly black hair fell in the boys beautiful copper eyes as the little replica ran towards her open arms. The little boy laughed and smiled as she spun him around only for him to beg for her to do it again.

As she opened her eyes, the pillow beneath her well and truly sodden, she realised that she had to have to the little life inside of her. It didn't matter she was young or that she wasn't married or that she didn't have a job yet. Even if she never got to see him again, she would get to keep a small part of him always.

There were so many things to plan and organise it was making her head hurt. Massaging her temples, she sat up only to fling out an arm to steady herself from the sudden dizzy spell. Shaking her head, she slowly got to her feet and padded to the bathroom, holding her stomach, as she felt queasy. It had passed before she made it in, but she paused anyway, hands resting against the sink. She gazed at her reflection, attempting to see if she looked different. Standing side on, she lifted her top and slid her hand across her still flat stomach. Hearing her bedroom door creak, she hastily dropped her top back down and turned to glance back into her room. Seeing the distinctive dash of blond hair swiftly running out of the room, she chuckled and decided to chase after Haydon who as usual was running manically around the wakening house.

Finally catching up with the little rascal, she swung him up into the air only to notice that the impromptu wand that he was using to cast flying spells with, was the little piece of plastic that had changed her world just moments ago. Gulping she took in the rest of the family, Liam and Alex occupied with Harry Potter but Barry's and Isabelle's eyes flittered between the stick and her stomach. Lowering him to the ground, she exchanged the stick with a pen lying on the counter to which Haydon ran around in circles with instead, casting spells much to the annoyance of Liam. Shifting the stick into her back pocket, she hesitantly backed up as Isabelle stood up from the couch.

"Eva, are... um..." She hadn't seen her sister so shocked in a long time and she couldn't bear to look at the disappointment that no doubt shone in her eyes – nothing was going to change her mind, she was having this child.

"Shush mummy, the films on," Liam muttered as he lay, chin resting in his hands, eyes transfixed to the television.

"Sorry baby," Isabelle whispered back, gesturing for Eva to follow her into the kitchen.

"I'm not a baby," Liam said in exasperation, hands cradling his chin as he focused back to the screen.

Not ready to face her just yet, Eva folded her legs under herself and joined the kids on the floor, pulling Haydon down as well before he tripped over something and hurt himself. Throughout the film, she could almost feel the stair burning at the nape of her neck but she stuck with it, as she knew the kids were her only safety blanket from her sister. Not that Izzy could really have much to say since Liam hadn't exactly been planned either but at least she had Barry to support her; Eva didn't even know how to reach the baby daddy never mind know if he would be interested in the extra burden.

Eva tried to focus on the world of wizardry but the awkward shape of the stick was cutting into her thigh making her unable to get comfortable and kept the pregnancy talk that was coming on the front of her mind. So distracted, she didn't notice when the film had ended, signally bedtime for the kids. Hugging them goodnight, she waited for the onslaught as Barry took the boys upstairs. Surprised when Isabelle hadn't immediately launched an enquiry so looked up as a steaming hot chocolate with whipped cream hovered beneath her face.

"Don't tell the boys, they'd never forgive me – no sugar for them after four for them." Isabelle whispered conspiratorially as she sat beside her sister.

"I promise," Eva giggled, imagining their jealous faces at the unjust act. Licking up some whipped cream, childhood memories flooded back as she sipped at the sickly sweet taste.

"So, what did the test say?" Isabelle prompted after they had sipped away at the mountain of calories for several minutes.

"Positive and um..." Eva muttered, "I'm keeping it," she added quickly, attempting to dissuade Isabelle from fighting her on this. She'd made up her mind, she was keeping the little blob. She would do this on her own if need be but as an arm wrapped her, she burst into tears at the silent support that she didn't realise that she had been praying for.

"Okay," Isabelle whispered,squeezing her sister around the waist.     

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