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Dropping Dylan off at daycare they decided to get some breakfast out at Bobby's, only to be surpised after one mouthfull.

"Yes! It's him. Chace it's him!" Mary said, gripping Chace's arm tightly as she dragged him behind her. The diner turned towards the pair - strangers alone were exciting so they had everyone's rapt attention. Confused as they seemed to be heading in their direction, Eva glanced around to see if anyone famous had somehow sneaked in - unlikely though it was. It was whilst she was looking that she caught the moment of recognition in Nate's eyes. She was just to ask when they stopped right beside the table.

"Thank god, we finally found you," the woman babbled excitedly. "It's Mary and Chace. From the mountain. You saved our lives." She exclaimed emphatically with more than excessive hand gestures.

The room hung onto her words and waited with bated breath to what was going to happen next.

"Hello, I'm glad you got back safely. How's the ankle?" Nate asked eyes shifting downwards as if he could somehow see the healing extent. He tried to keep the conversation casual, hyper aware of the many ears listening in. Internally all he could think of why and how they would even track him down.

"This man's a hero!" She exclaimed as she clutched her partner's forearm. Even Chace seemed embarrassed as he mumbled that his ankle was much better.

An awkward silence fell for a moment as Mary beamed down at him and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Low murmurings rumbled through the cafe but it was Eva's hand rubbing along his thigh that grounded him. Trapping her small hand against his jeans he squeezed it gently in thanks. He knew she must be full of questions and was more than impressed that she wasn't just blurting them out. Mary's eyes flitted to his side and they visibly widened in glee as her mouth dropped open with a squeal.

"Oh is this her?" She asked, gesturing towards Eva excitedly, her eyebrows raised.

The seat beneath Nate became like concrete over a secondand he felt Eva turn to him confused. Nate nodded and Mary actually squealed.

"He was talking about you when he took us to safety. You're so lucky. You've got a great one there," she said with a wink.

"Yeah I am," Eva said, immediately feeling Nate's eyes boring into her. He'd been about to intercede but his words were interrupted by the most wonderful words - her agreement. He was the one who was lucky. His hands twitched with the need to catch onto hers but doubted she wanted an audience so he ran them along his thighs.

The pair and indeed the whole cafe was staring at them and he stiffened slightly under the scrutiny. A hand entwined with his under the table and he turned towards Eva who squeezed it but continued to listen to the tale. The way Mary spun the tale had him sound ridcicoulsy heroic, he even doubted it himself when he was there.

"The best bit - for me anyway - when he first saved us he was completely nude !" Mary exclaimesed an eybrow and tucked in her lip to hold the chuckle. Glancing at Nate, a giggle escpaed at his slightly embarrassed but worried expression. "Now I say again, you are very lucky," Mary said with a wink at Eva.

"Come now, that's enough now hun. Lte's leave them be," Chace said, a sensoring hand on her arm. She shook it off though and dug into her purse and extracted a check book. Growing more uncomfortable as she scribbled a number with way too many zero's, he tried to politely decline but Mary wasn't having any of it. Resolving to accept but not cash it, he took a sip of his coffee and wondered how quickly it would get around town. He'd never been part of a community, preferring to stick to the outskirts but this was impossible.

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