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"It's bad luck to spend the night together," Eva whispered as her skin began to tingle. "You shouldn't be here," she persisted but her actions were betraying her as she trailed her hand south along the naked body that had snuck into her bed.

"Tell me to go - soon to be wife," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her swiftly against him. "I missed you," he said softly against her ear before blowing softly against his mark.

"It's only been... four hours," she said glaring at the illuminated clock. "I need my beauty sleep," she muttered and squeezed him teasingly to the point of pain.

"Is that so? I can't tempt you..." he whispered as he started to rock his hips in her loosened hold as his hands roamed over skin as familiar as his own.

"You won't like it when I'm grumpy and ugly in the morning due to lack of sleep," she said but they didn't even sound believable to her own ears. Especially when she ended with a low moan that escaped despite doing her best attempts at holding it in.

"Well maybe I should stay until morning then as well and make sure you are satisfied. Everyone wants to see the bride smiling on her wedding day, the groom most of all...Can I stay?" Nate pleaded in his most persuasive voice, nose rubbing along her shoulder barely skimming the edge of her mark.

He didn't get a verbal response as she turned into his waiting lips and tugged him towards her wet opening. They groaned in unison as he thrust inside. Rotating his hips in a spiral motion he managed to delve deeper and then paused, keeping her on tender hooks. Groaning at the fullness it didn't take long until she was begging him to stay. Mission accomplished, he released the pressure before slamming back into her. He'd intended a nice slow sanguid love making session but it seemed that neither had the patience for that tonight. As the sweat made them slide more against each other, he remembered that they were not alone in the house and captured her scream of release just in time. Breathing heavily as she descended from the heavens, she bit down hard on his shoulder as he jolted within her.

"You have to sneak out before Izzy checks on me or you'll be in big trouble," Eva whispered as she snuggled against his chest. "I'm going to blame this all on you." She added with a yawn whilst rubbing her eyes.

"Alright Angel," he said with a small chuckle. "Now go back to sleep. I love you," he said as he tucked her closer against him and kissed the top of her head.

"Love you too," came the sleepy reply as yet another yawn slipped out.

He grinned, still not able to hear the words enough. His mate loved him! Tomorrow would be their two year anniversary of meeting for the second time. An anniversary of their second chance - it seemed apt to seal the day with human vows.

Plans for the next day and the rest of their lives could cause anyone a sleepless night but the sound of a new high tempo heartbeat was now the main cause. It had been seven months of actively trying and finally it was here. She hadn't said it but he could tell how disappointed she was every time she had bled. He kissed her shoulder and vowed he would tell her in the morning. She wouldn't sleep if he spilled the beans now - no more than he would. He held in a chuckle as it bubbled in his chest. Pregnant! He yelled silently in his head. It would be a while before they shared the news to others but he didn't know how he could hold back his glee. Surely they would know. Listening more closely at the amazing sound, his grin spread as he realised he was wrong - it was heart beats!

Gently stroking her hair, he sighed at how quickly she had fallen asleep. He needed to get her to sleep more, especially now. He wanted her to enjoy the day and that meant more sleep. Tomorrow night was a different story though.

A/N Hope you enjoyed this. A few more edits needed but please let me know what you think. 

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