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It wasn't long before Dylan was playing happily with the other kids his age. Eva worried as she watched over as he ran around and around. She'd never been around this many shifter's before but she trusted when Nate said they were safe with them. Still, it was hard not to be jumpy. It was a whole new world. She raced to her feet as two wolves came tumbling out of the forest.

"Dylan!" Eva screamed who looked up in alarm. Running towards Dylan, she scooped him up and ran inside. Once inside she started to panic but Kate burst through after her.

"Eva, whoah!" Kate said as Eva spun around frantically. Kate raised her hands as she tried to calm her down. "It's okay. They won't harm you. They are part of the pack. My oldest." Kate shook her head as she frowned, slowly lowering her hands. "Come and see, Zi and Laya are probably climbing all over them."

Eva tentatively stepped back onto the porch, keeping a wriggly Dylan in her arms.

She gasped and several faces turned to her. Her hand covered her mouth, as Dylan twisted to see better. Eva froze as she watched little Laya grasp hair to pull herself onto a wolf's back.

"That's Nixon," Kate said following Eva's eyeline, "and his twin is Chris. It's their fifteenth birthday tomorrow and I'm in two minds about cancelling their party. They were warned we had guests."

Two large grey wolf heads swung in their direction and she sucked in a breath. They definitely looked guilty though and Dylan managed to split through her loosened grip. She started after him but Kate gently held her back.

"It's okay Eva."

Eva shook off the hand and headed after Dylan, but slowed as she approached. She winced as Dylan poked one on the nose. She nearly fainted when his mouth opened and he swiped his tongue over Dylan's face.

"Christian!" Kate warned but Dylan laughed and tried to reach up to his ears.

Eva overcame her fears and approached the last metre, and tugged Dylan back.

"Mum," Dylan complained as he looked on in jealousy as Zi climbed on top of the wolf that was Chris.

Chris put his head down and shuffled forwards along the ground. Dylan clapped and stroked the top of his head.

"So soft mum," Dylan said and she hesitantly smiled but held back from finding out herself. She could pick out a slight light pattern going across their chest that matched between them. She hadn't been this close to Nate but she was sure they were smaller. She wondered if she would be as scared as she was now, if it were Nate before her.

"Alright boys, that's enough now. Go get changed," Kate said as she picked up Laya and then Zi who tried to hold on. Eva stepped back, holding Dylan against her as they stretched and stood up. Chris started off first and Nixon dived playfully into his side causing Chris to fall. Alarmed, she clutched Dylan closer but no-one else seemed to be concerned as they disappeared from view.

"Idiots," Kate muttered under her breath and turned back to Eva. "Don't have twins," Kate said, shaking her head but then smiled down at her other set of twins.

Eva blushed and opened her mouth but closed it when she didn't know what to say.

A rustle as leaves were pushed apart signalled the twins re-emergence. A pair of teenage boys dressed in shorts and tank tops greeted her, one with the other in a hold lock. Kate turned to them trying to look stern but amusement filtered over her features. Breaking free, one of them sped towards them and her mouth dropped at his turn of speed.

Would Dylan get that quick? She pondered, wondering how on earth she would keep up.

The other joined and stood before them, grins covering their faces.

"Hi. Sorry we forgot." One began.

"Sorry if we scared you," the other said at the same time.

"What's your name?" The first one began as he ducked down onto one knee.

"Dylan, and this my mum," Dylan said but he was still looking into the trees, not quite understanding that the wolves he was playing with were standing in front of him. Not wanting to broach the subject right there and then, Eva finally found her words and changed the subject. 

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