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"When the fighting starts, stay out of my way as I may not recognise you before it is too late. And you'll be dead." Nate stated bluntly to the assembled crowd who nodded, sober but understanding the truth of his words.

"Right, so we've gone through the plans. Are there any further questions or thoughts before we shift?" Gerald's commanding tone rolled out as he turned his gaze to each fighter assembled.

"No Alpha," was repeated over and over and Nate shook his head when the Alpha turned his gaze to him.

"Good, let's begin."

Nate's hands uncurled, releasing tension he hadn't even realised had built. Stripping methodically he tried to push thoughts of his family out of his head. He needed to focus, being mad with rage could make him rash and more likely to make a mistake. He would die for them if it meant they would be safe but his second most desire was to return to them. Digging into the earth beneath him, nails turned into claws and dug even deeper.

Muted grunts began as the wolves tried to quieten their shifts. They were still a far way out and the scouts were not something to be desired. Nonetheless it was better to maintain as stealthily approach as possible, surprise may reduce any losses. Guilt swam briefly within him but he too dismissed it, at some point the pack would have had to deal with them anyway.

Completing his shift, he stretched his stronger feline muscles and resisted the urge to growl as he caught the mutt's scents in the air - downwind as they were. Glancing around, he noted he was faster shifting than most and far bigger. Even among allies it was safest to keep your head constantly assessing. Isolation had taught him that early. He tried to not change his expression when a couple even fell over mid shift as they became distracted by his intimidating frame. Wolves were common. His kind weren't. And the few that were left preferred isolation anyway. Most probably had never seen his like before.

He turned his gaze to the Alpha, assessing his bulk and a mighty old scar marred the fur on his flank. Their eyes met for a moment and neither looked away. The wolves around skittered nervously on their paws and grateful for the help, he broke contact and strode forward. He had no plans of challenging for Alpha but he'd relied on himself for too long to readily capitulate.

Stepping on rocks and avoiding the loudness of leaves and sticks, he followed his nose and then his ears. As planned the wolves fanned out so that the attack would come at once from several directions. He grimaced as someone to his far left made a mistake - snapping a branch clean in two - and a hush fell over the camp. Before the mutt's could prepare any defence, as a unit they burst through teeth snapping and claws separating sinew from bone. Blood filled his mouth, driving his bloodlust as despite his intentions he remembered his family's fear and utilised it leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. A sudden scent caught his attention and his head snapped to the side. Roaring, birds made flight as he sighted the leader that threatened his family. Blood and saliva dripped from his open jaws, eyes narrowing as he prepared to pounce. Instead, he snapped around as someone's jaws landed on his distracted frame. Yanking the mutt free, in doing so tearing a piece of him too as it stayed within the mutt's jaws. He didn't even feel the pain as his hind claws disembowelled him with a powerful swipe. Angered at the distraction and his lapse in concentration, Nate searched the bloody scene for his main target. He'd thought he lost him until he saw him hiding like the coward he truly was. Prowling towards him, he swiped unseeing at anything in his path until he came across him.

"Please, I'm sorry. I won't touch them. I'll leave. You'll never see me again," he begged tears running down his face as he dropped to his knees.

Nate huffed and strode all the closer, and bared his teeth against his face. The pitiful mutt whimpered as blood and spittle covered his face. Gone was the proud spiteful man that had attacked and he ground his teeth at the pitiful display. Hatred spun within him and made him hesitate. Torn of how to proceed. He didn't see the knife until it was too late. Thankfully, he just managed to shift slightly to the side so it didn't hit his heart. Whimpering, his growls soon bellowed through the clearing as he tore out his throat. Spitting the tissue out of his mouth, he snarled down at the body, dissatisfied at how quick his ending was.

As he stumbled back to the sounds of fighting, he was disappointed to see the pack had finished everyone else. Blood still raged within him and with nothing left to fight he moved away from the celebrations lest he sour the mood. Gerald found him after he had felled the third great oak. Wisely he didn't say anything, just stayed until he had calmed somewhat.

"You'll heal sooner if you stop. The faster you heal the sooner you can get back to your mate and son. To your family," Gerald said gently as Nate panted for a second to catch his breath.

Nate whipped his head around but Gerald didn't flinch at his no doubt gruesome sight.

"We are ready to depart, are you coming with us?" Gerald added, raising an eyebrow which Nate grunted at, finding it annoying. Nonetheless he nodded his head. "Are you shifting or do you need more time to heal?" Gerald asked, eying up his bloody frame not entirely clear which blood was his and which those he slain. Nate shook his head and padded back to the group.

A head count revealed no casualties and was pleased that the bodies were going to be left for carion. No humans came this way and he smiled at the thought of them being torn apart even in death. He caught the eye of the youngest - Gendry if he recalled - who had made the mistep that gave way their approach. The boy stepped back without thought as he turned white as a sheet. He stumbled straight into his father - the beta and nearly jumped out of his skin before he caught who it was. Nate tried not to listen in on the beta's words to his son but even he had to admit the boy had fought well.

Turning back the way they came, he started off, his injuries making their true appearance. The pack followed behind, and even half in human form they kept up with his antalgic gait.

The scent and sound of rushing water took him off track and he ignored the confused calls. Trading into the icy water, he cleaned his fur and face of blood - fresh, clotted and dry alike. His clothes were left on the bank and he stretched, testing to see if the shift would do more harm than good. It was debatable but the cars were nearby and they wouldn't be able to carry him shifted. Images of his family spurred him on and started his shift. He soon realised his mistake. It was the most painful shift he could remember. His joints locked in position, seconds away from collapsing completely. Too soon. He thought, swearing endlessly in his head. He didn't manage to keep upright and for the first time in his life flopped to the floor mid shift. His howls turned to screams as his anatomy changed. Eventually the shift was over and he was back in his human frame. Panting, he lay for perhaps a minute before he pushed himself up to a seated position. Dressing he ignored the open wounds and hobbled towards the cars assembled. He needed his mate. A door was opened for him and he smiled briefly as he collapsed inside, blacking out before he had done his seatbelt. 

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