~13~ Brandy

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A sharp crack fills the air, and the look of pain on Holden's face when he realizes that his girlfriend just smacked the crap outta him takes my breath away.

He brings his hand to his cheek, staring hard at Brandy. She has an indignant look on her face as she crosses her arms with attitude. After a few breaths, he brings his hand down and clears his throat. "What was that for?"

"You know how many guys I could get with? I chose YOU, because I saw something special. You're not gonna push me to the side, Holden Thompson. I'm either top girl in your life, or I'm not. You need to decide, here and now!"

"Who said you weren't top girl?" He asks in desperation as he lowers his voice and takes a step toward her.

"You won't let me come over! You haven't been over since you got that damned phone call, and you refuse to give me the time of day!"

Holden looks over his shoulder in my direction for just a moment before he turns back to Brandy. "B...I....I'm not trying to.....You mean more to me than anything. I'm trying to give these kids some stability. They're not okay right now and I just need you to understand that."

"I'm not okay either, yet you're not understanding that AT ALL! I miss you, and it doesn't feel like you give a shit!"

"...You don't think I miss you? Baby, you don't have any idea......"

He closes the distance and hugs her so tightly, I look away. They stay in their embrace for several more minutes before he pulls away and kisses her forehead.

"Want to stay for dinner?"

"Oh, so now you want me around?" She snaps.

"I always want you around. I was going to make spaghetti. Will you please stay?"

"I guess," she sighs as she struts up the stairs like she owns the place, looking at me with disdain.

"You must be the sister," she says condescendingly as she looks me up and down.

"This is Julianne," Holden says with a nervous expression, his cheek red with three distinct fingerprints across it.

She nods once as her eyes bore into mine, and I know she sees what everyone else does.

She's seeing how ugly I am.


I find Tate in our room and sit down on his mattress.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he sets his phone down and sits up, placing his leg over my thigh.

"Holden's girlfriend showed up and smacked him across his face."

A sly grin spreads across his lips as he chuckles. "Serves the douche-bag right. Is she hot?"

"She's pretty," I nod as I push his leg off of me.

Tate grins as he stands up and walks out of the room, and I follow after.

"What happened to your face?" Tate asks innocently as he leans against the counter, watching Holden fry hamburger.

Holden shrugs as he gets a pot for boiling and grabs pasta from the little pantry.

"Nothing. Wanna help set the table?"

"...No," Tate says in a bored tone as his eyes roam over Brandy, and she enjoys the appreciative look he gives her.

"You the girlfriend?" He asks as he takes a dry noodle out of Holden's hand and sticks it in his mouth, the crunch deafening in this tiny kitchen.

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