~2~ False

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Julianne's POV

I close my eyes, trying to escape the sight I was just assaulted with. The gray discoloration of skin, the dried blood smeared into opened, lifeless eyes...

Oh my gosh the smell is unlike anything I've ever...

"I'm gonna puke," Tate groans and I open my eyes, only for them to be assaulted again.

But this time it's my brother, throwing up his entire supper.

I've gotta do something

With shaky hands, I fumble into my bag and grab ahold of my phone. It's a miracle I'm able to type out my passcode with the way my fingers are seizing.

I dial the only number I know that will make this better....911?

That would've been smart if I was actually thinking clearly.

"What's up, Annie?" Holden's cheerful voice answers, and it immediately brings me to tears.

"We need you," I get out through my hysterics, and instantly feel relief that I know Holden will come.

There's no doubt in my rattled, foggy mind.

"Where are you Are you hurt What's wrong?" He streams together, and I hear a slamming door, instantly silencing the background noise. He must have ran out of the bar already.

"I...I don't know where to tell you....we took a different way home....." why the hell can't I think clearly? I know right where we are

"I'll find you by your location. I'll be right there. Are either of you hurt?"

"No," I sob as a fresh wave of puke pours out of Tate, and I accidentally hang up the phone.

Please hurry, Holden

It only takes a couple of minutes before we see Holden running at an impossible pace. When he gets to us, it takes him only seconds to process the scene.

"Shit," he gasps as he tries to calm his breathing and pulls both of us into him, holding us as tightly as possible.

"I have puke all over me," Tate cries, burying his face into Holden's neck.

"I don't care," Holden says softly, and then kisses both of us on the head. "You two go over there so you stop looking at her. I'll call for help."

"Do you know who she is?" Tate asks as he sniffs and wipes his nose with the back of his hand.

"No. Must be a tourist." He gets on his phone, and his voice is shaking when the person on the other end answers.

"Sean, you need to come to the forrest. My brother and sister just stumbled across a body...It looks like it's a crime scene."

I walk away at that point and sit on a mossy tree stump, and close my eyes.

Horror movies are so much cooler than this.

You can't smell rotting flesh when you're watching a movie.


Holden's cop friend gets to the scene first, and then several other officers. They interview Holden and the two of us, and then they let us go as they wait for the coroner.

"How long do you think she's been dead for?" Sean asks one of his coworkers.

"Looks like a night or two. Can't be sure until Ogborn gets here though." We hear as we all walk away from the scene, and Holden takes my hand.

"You two okay?" He asks after we get out of sight and our house comes into view.

I simply nod and Tate stays silent as we walk up the cracked sidewalk, being careful not to trip on the thick weeds overtaking.

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