~21~ Rule Follower

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I went on an intense writing spree and I am on to another storyline already. My productivity is now a downfall because I'm excited for you to see what's coming next! Enjoy a second bonus for this week😇

Julianne's POV

I really don't have a plan. I wasn't expecting to leave, yet here we are. If I stay in the school, somebody will see me and drag me back.

And there's no way in hell I can face the kids in my next class

I'm so screwed

I can't waltz back in there now, that would be even more humiliating and Holden would just make me present after the person who took my place.

Gosh I'm SO screwed

I walk out the doors and keep going until I get to the boardwalk. What am I even doing? Did I just skip school? I love school.

I messed up so bad.

The bright side is that I don't have my phone, so Holden can't track me.

That kinda feels amazing, actually. I can go anywhere and nobody will have a clue.

Except that this town is tiny and I can literally see Chippy from here.

She spots me too, and her bright orange hair shimmers in the sun as she waves and starts walking toward me.

So what do I do? I pretend like I don't see her, obviously, as I spin around and head toward the beach. If I'm going to break rules today, I might as well do them all at once and take a bulk punishment.

I sit in the sand and close my eyes as the waves lap around my ankles, and drops spray into my face. The smell of seaweed and salt mix together and somehow it makes me relax, even after such a shitty day.

And I can immediately feel my anxiety leveling out.

That is, until I open my eyes and remember why I'm here in the first place.


The sun is beating down intensely today, and I can already feel my skin getting burned, but I ignore it. Hopefully I don't get as burned as I did the last time.

Also, I REALLY hope the murderer works during the daytime

I close my eyes again and don't hear anyone coming up behind me until their deep voice makes me jump.

"Can I sit with you?"

I turn, dread filling my stomach. Is this how I actually die? When our eyes lock, my heart quickens and heat rushes my face.

Gage Mackney

"What?" I start out, and his intense gaze singes my skin deeper than the sun ever could.

"I know this is totally weird...But I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"You skipped school to check on me?"

He sighs loudly as he sits next to me and watches as a dolphin jumps in the far distance.

"I'm going to get in so much trouble, probably. But your face...I needed to make sure you were okay."

"Why?" I ask as I turn to face him.

He's silent as he picks at a shell in the sand and turns it in his hand, focusing way too hard on it.

"I don't know," he whispers so softly, the wind nearly carries it to sea.

"How mad is he?" I finally ask, unsure if I want to know the answer.

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