~53~ Waterfall

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Holden's POV

Cascading torrents of crystal clear water is what I'm met with as I get close enough to shut my eyes and feel the mist on my face.

I don't ever want to leave

I keep my eyes closed tight and focus on all of my other senses, consumed by the environment around me. The peaceful crashing as the water drops from the jagged rocks up high and into the river below is making every muscle in my body relax, which I haven't been able to do in weeks.

The smell of rich, earthy musk mixed with the sweetness of the crisp water is enough to lull me into a trance, and I stand here like a statue as I enjoy the cool water as it laps around my bare feet.

"Holden?" Quinn asks softly as she comes up to me and stands by my side carefully, as if she's wondering if I'm having a mental breakdown. Maybe I am...But if this is how it feels, then I don't want it to stop.

"I don't ever want to leave."

She smiles as she takes my hand in hers and stands at the river's edge with me. The birds are singing somewhere in the tall trees, telling me they enjoy this space just as much as I do.


I sit on a rocky ledge and watch as Tate and Jules play in the shallow waters and run in and out of the gentle waterfall.

"Don't you dare!!!" She squeals as Tate makes a running lunge at her and knocks her back into the water.

I start to open my mouth to tell Tate to be careful of the rocks in the water, but the way they both laugh makes me keep my worries to myself. Let them be kids, Holden. It's important they be kids...Just please don't smash your faces on rocks.

I've never seen them like this before. They're carefree and happy, and it's a sight I have begged to see since they came to live with me.

"This place is magic," Sylvie says softly next to me as her legs dangle casually, and she leans back on her elbows and breathes in the air's freshness.

"I wish I would've brought them here sooner...Life has just been so crazy. Look at how happy they are," I breathe as my voice catches.

"Jules, you need a facial," Tate says innocently as he puts his hands in the water and brings up a pile of mud.

"NO!" She screeches as she tries to run, but the knee-high water is making her slow and Tate is able to grab her. He reaches for her hand and pulls her roughly against him, smearing the clump of mud all over her face.

"I hate you!" She gasps as she tries to wipe it away from her mouth, and Tate laughs so hard at how ridiculous she looks that he falls into the water and lands on his ass.

"Now you," she breathes as she wipes some mud off of her face and smears it all over Tate.

He grabs her by the elbows and flips her until she's laying in the water with him, and they are both laughing so hard, I'm waiting for one of them to choke on water.

"You're healing them, Holden," Sylvie all but sings as she sits back up and crosses her legs on the rock.

Tears prick my eyes and I simply shake my head. I'm not healing them. If anything, they're healing me.

"You gonna tell me what happened?" She finally asks as she continues to watch my siblings beat each other up in the beautiful freshwater.

"I...I panicked, Sylvie. Tate was going to hit Brandy. He was going to hit a girl....She was threatening Jules and he snapped. Then when she smacked me, I could see the defeat in his eyes...Like he was completely cornered with the idea of this being his fate. Taking shit and not being able to get help....So the only thing I could think to do was call the cops. After everything you've done for me, I didn't want to, but how could I not? I saw for a split second the defeat and despair all over his face. And he's too young for that shit."

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