~48~ Spying

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A couple of triggers may be in this chapter. Please proceed with caution, friends ❤️

Julianne's POV

"No, screw this...Come on!" Tate says a few moments later as he takes my hand and we walk out of the lounge.

"Tate!" I screech as he looks towards the right where the bathrooms are, and then to the left where the door to the kitchen is. When he sees that the coast is clear, he pulls me left through the swinging door and narrowly avoids getting run over by Rusty.

"What are you two doing in here?" He asks, wiping his hands on his already greasy, used-to-be-white apron.

"Uh......" Tate says as he tries to think quick, but Rusty's frustrated blue eyes and wrinkled brow stops him.

"Trying to snoop?" Rusty asks lowly

"Can you blame us? We're kids! We never get to see the good drama!" Tate whines.

Rusty looks hard for another minute at the both of us before he silently walks to a side door and points.

"Do not throw me under the bus, you two......"

Tate grins big as he takes my hand and pulls me through the little door that leads to Quinn's office on the left, and the bar to the right.

We peek around the corner, and although it isn't a fantastic view, we can see enough to know what's happening.

"The fact that you think after all of these months and all that's happened that you can just waltz in here, is so typical that it shouldn't even surprise me."

"Baby, I—."

"Don't call me that! Get the hell out, Brandy. I never want to see you again."

"Holden, come on! You can't tell me that what we had didn't mean anything!"

"I thought it did! I thought it did for years...But you treated me like shit and I was too messed up to see it!"

"We had some good moments—A lot of good moments," she says as she runs a finger up his wrist, and he moves his hand so quickly, it's as if he touched Rusty's hot grill.

"All of those good moments you're thinking of, involved sex. We had NO good moments other than when you were under me."

"Or on top of you..." she grins lazily as she bites her bottom lip.

Holden blows out a breath and shakes his head. "I will NEVER forgive you. I will NEVER love you again...Hell, I will NEVER even like you again. You touched my sister!"

Agitation washes over her as she stands up and points her finger at him. "Your sister is fine! If I wanted to hurt her, I would have."

"You threatening her?" Holden asks in such a low and scary voice, I instinctively tuck myself into Tate's side and he wraps a protective arm around me.

"Ya know...." Nico starts as he finally speaks instead of just glaring at Brandy. "It's an awful big coincidence that you've magically been outta the country these last few months..When all the murders started happenin'. And I very distinctly remember ya hatin' Chippy!"

Brandy scoffs as she turns to Nico. "I hated that miserable cow! I was so happy to hear that she finally died."

Holden stiffens and Nico puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"So, you're not denying anythin'?" Nico finally asks.

I see Ryan get on his cell and call someone discreetly, but I'm too far away to hear him.

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