~29~ Bar Scene

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"Is everything okay?" I whisper that night as Kenna climbs in bed with me and rolls over on her side.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I keep crashing. I'll go home tomorrow," she whispers back.

A groan from the other side of the room makes me turn, and since Kenna is over Holden made us pull the partition. I get out of bed and walk over to Tate's side, and he's laying on his stomach, on Snapchat.

"You okay?" I ask as I sit down next to him, and he shrugs.

"Sleeping's gonna be real fun," he moans as he charges his phone and puts his head on the pillow.

"Do you need anything?" I ask.

"A new ass."

I hear Kenna chuckle, and Tate's cheeks flush pink. "When is she leaving?"


"I'm ready for my own freakin' room," he mutters as he pushes his face into his pillow.

"Hey Kenna?" Holden says softly from the door as he pokes his head in.


"I thought I was cool with you sleeping in the same room as Tate, but I'm not. I made you a bed on the pullout couch."

"Thank you! I wasn't in the mood to listen to her snoring all damn night," Tate mumbles with his face still in the pillow.

"I don't snore," she snaps as she gets off my bed and goes out to the living room.

Holden smiles at her and then smiles at both of us. "Love you two" he says softly.

Neither of us say it back, and he quietly just shuts off the light and closes the door.

Do I want to say it back? No, not really


The week goes by like normal, and on Wednesday Holden is rushing around after school, changing into jeans and a nice T shirt.

"Where are you going?" I ask as I do my homework at the table.

"We are going to the bar...I told you that this morning. Get your stuff ready and let's get going. Where's your brother?"

"He's your brother too......" I smirk as I repack my book bag.

Holden rolls his eyes. "When he's a pain in the ass, then he's your brother."

"And when he's not?"

"Then he can be mine," he winks as he puts his phone in his back pocket.

"Real nice....." Tate snaps as he walks into the kitchen and heads for the fridge.

"He's all yours today, Annie. Tate, get your homework and be ready to leave in ten minutes."

"Leave to go where?" He asks as he takes a drink of the Mountain Dew he just opened.

"Does nobody listen when I talk? I have a shift at the bar tonight."

"Can't I just stay here? I'll be sixteen soon."

"...In six months, and no. Come on, Rex."

"I seriously hate that name," Tate hisses as he slams the can down on the counter, making it slosh all over.

Holden breathes in through his nose and grabs his keys.

"Now you have eight minutes to clean up the counter before ants invade this shitty kitchen, and get your homework before said ants eat it. Come on, dude! I don't wanna be late."

"I could just stay here and clean it extremely thoroughly."

Holden nods as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Are you making it your mission in life to see how many curse words I can say? GET. YOUR. ASS. MOVING!"

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