~8~ You Need To Apologize

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Julianne's POV

"I don't want to, Holden."

He nods calmly and simply shrugs. "And I don't want to use the $600 in tip money I had saved to replace something I never broke."

"Maybe if you wouldn't have been so cheap and bought phone insurance...."

"ENOUGH!" He yells, causing me to jump. Holden hardly ever yells. Actually, I don't remember hearing him yell at me once. He's always so calm.

"I've tried rationally explaining. I've tried understanding and compassion. IT'S NOT WORKING. I don't know what else to do to get through to you, BUT YOU DO NOT RUN THIS FAMILY. You are NOT allowed to treat us like this. Get over now, before I make you."

I'm so stunned at his loud, irate voice, that he mistakes that for defiance. His eyes darken as he grabs my wrist roughly and pulls until I'm over his lap, on Tate's bed, in one swift motion.

In the next swift motion, he has me pinned to his side and is already spanking me HARD, on my bottom.

Wrong day to wear leggings!

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but you are DONE!" He says as he sharply smacks my bottom, already causing a burn I wasn't expecting.

I bite my bottom lip as he spanks my right cheek five times in the same spot, and then moving to my left cheek and spanking that same spot six times.

"Ahhh!" I hiss, and he shifts to the under curve of my bottom, and gives both cheeks generous spanks there as well.

"Ow," I cry as tears start stinging my eyes, but not worse than the sting Holden is inflicting. He's spanking the meaty part of my butt so sharply that I begin to kick involuntarily.

"No!" He says harshly as he pins me with one of his legs and continues to spank me. When he goes to my thighs, I start to cry hard.

But Holden doesn't care.

He ups his intensity, going from spot to spot to spot, and the sobs erupting from my chest are making it hard for me to breathe.

"Please stop!" I beg through breath I don't have, and Holden's voice is still harsh.

"That's what I've been asking YOU to do, and you won't."

"Please," I beg, feeling crazy claustrophobic. I can't move. He's got me pinned down so tightly that I can move and I'm feeling like I'm going to...I can't move....I.......

Holden must be able to tell something is wrong, because he instantly stops and sits me up on his knee, studying me hard.

"What's wrong? Why is your breathing so weird, Jules?"

"Can't..you pinned me... I can't....."

Understanding washes over him, and he simply pulls me to him and rubs my back until my breathing is controlled again.

"You felt trapped?" He simply asks.

At my single nod, he kisses my hair. "Ok, I won't do that again. I'm sorry...But your spanking isn't over, Julianne. You ready to start again or do you need another minute?"

I start to cry once more and I look up at his still, unhappy face. "Please stop. I'm sorry!"

His face softens and he kisses my forehead. "This apology doesn't count...But you're going to. These last twenty you're counting. Get over," he says as he flips me himself until I'm back in position, and his calloused hand falls heavily once more.

"One," I cry and brace for the second. I didn't know counting was a thing!



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