~60~ Souvenir Shop

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It's here friends! I'm SO nervous and hope that I can deliver what I've been hyping up for months. We shall see 😬😬

I'm warning you now, this storyline has cliffhanger after cliffhanger, so pout now cause 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's already written and I ain't changin' it 🤣

I'm putting a trigger warning in for the whole storyline, so I won't add one at the beginning of each chapter.

I'm NOT sorry for the cliffhangers, I AM sorry that the murder storyline is coming to a close, and I TRULY hope you're not disappointed with it.

Also, I wrote this entire storyline at night a couple of weeks ago when I was by myself and my windows were open, and it creeped me out. Let me know at the end of the storyline if it's creepy in the daytime, or if I'm just a big baby lol

Julianne's POV

"You be home by nine and keep your phone on you. I clear?" Holden asks as he stares at both me and Gage sternly.

"Yes," I sigh, doing my best not to roll my eyes at him. He's only told me thirty times.

Holden nods as he kisses my head, and he gives Gage a look that can only be described as a stupidly over-protective brother.

"Enjoy your freedom. Let me know what the sun looks like. I hear it's bright," Tate grumbles from his place on the couch, and Holden smirks at him.

"Alright, tough guy," Holden chuckles as he pushes Tate playfully.

We walk outside and I get to Gage's Tesla. "One day it would be nice to just walk to the boardwalk," I sigh as I get in the front.

"I know. I'm over this shit," he nods as he backs out of the driveway.


We get to the boardwalk and start walking hand in hand, and I sigh in contentment. The drama with my brothers is over, and Gage and I are doing great.

He leans in and kisses me on the head, and I tuck myself into him.

"It's weird how few tourists there are," he says as we get to the end of the boardwalk and start walking downtown.

"I know"

"Let's go in here," he says as he pulls me into a souvenir shop that I've never been to—Locals don't really shop at these places, I've been told.

"Why?" I ask as we walk in, and the smell of lavender is strong. The girl at the counter is crazy eclectic, but she makes me smile because she kinda reminds me of Chippy with her vibrant nails. She has a red bandana in her hair and bleached blonde curls that are poking out of it.

"I was trying to kill time earlier..My dad was home...And I came in here. I found something that made me think of you."

He goes over to the counter and the girl smiles at him. "You're back!" She grins.

"Yeah," he smiles as he picks up a beautiful silver-chained necklace with a shiny purple crystal attached to it.

"I totally know it's lame to buy you a $5 necklace, but.."

"It's beautiful," I interrupt with a grin.

He smiles as he hands the lady the cash, and then makes a spinning motion. He brushes my hair to one side and clasps the hook, and then gently puts my hair back in place.

"Makes your eyes sparkle," he nods, and I feel a blush creep up.

"I love it. Thank you."

He bends until our lips meet, and my toes curl in an electrifying way that I never knew existed.

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