~39~ Paper

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I went on an insane writing spree in this book over the weekend, so I'm giving you another bonus❤️❤️❤️



I hear some girls whispering about Julianne during class, but she's oblivious to it as she takes notes like a kiss-ass.

"She should at least put some layers in her hair so she doesn't look so frumpy. Who seriously does nothing with their hair when they wake up in the morning? A little concealer wouldn't hurt either."

I cringe as I wait for Jules to hear them, but if she does she doesn't act like it..But then again, Thompson's have great bull-shitting genes.

"Dude, how mad is your brother at me?" Micah whispers as Holden steps out into the hall to talk to a teacher who pulled him out.

"I have no idea. How much trouble are you in?" I smirk as I put my pen in my mouth and lean back in my chair so the front two legs are off the ground.

He groans as he runs his hands through his hair. "My mom is pissed. I'm lucky she didn't whip my ass in front of Mr. T...How mad is he for spying, you little shit!"

"You saw me?" I ask, feeling a little bad. He's one of my best buddies, and if I would've known it was him I wouldn't have gone up there.


"He's not happy. I get to write a paper for him tonight. Any chance you want to write it for me?"


"Hey Tate, what's up with your sister?" One of the girls asks as she taps me on the shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"You and your brother are both sexy as hell. What happened to her?"

A part of me wants to tell her to fix her buck-teeth before she starts critiquing my sister, but the rest of me just wants to get the attention off of Jules. I learned a long time ago that if I act like I don't care about her, they all just find her boring and leave her alone.

"Who the hell knows," I say as I turn back to Micah, and we talk about sneaking out in a few days for a party I really want to go to.

"Alright guys, sorry. Where were we?" Holden asks as he comes in and walks over to his desk.

I start to get on my phone, when Holden speaks. "Oh that's right....We're taking notes."

I look up at him and the look he gives me makes my stomach churn.

For as much as I pride myself in being someone who doesn't take anybody's shit....This guy's shit scares the poop outta me.


"Jules, I will give you whatever you want if you will just write this paper for me," I beg as we sit at the bar and wait for Nico to take our food order.

"Even if I did, he's gonna know I wrote it...We'd both be in big trouble."

"Please?" I beg, and her face softens. She knows how much I hate writing. She also knows that if I don't get it done, I'm getting spanked tonight.

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