~12~ Am I Cooler Than You?

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Sylvie's POV

I order pizza for dinner and when it gets here, we turn on a movie and put a blanket on the floor as we eat.

"Ok, random question. What is Holden's middle name? I asked him once before we were dating and he wouldn't tell me. When I looked at his info from hiring, he left it blank."

The kids chuckle and Tate takes a long drink of his soda. "I remember him always being so embarrassed of it...OHHH....you just gave me the best idea. Whenever he calls me Tatum, I'll use his middle name. Freaking genius, Quinn, Thanks!"

"Woah! Don't get me in trouble for this! I'm just asking!"

"Well, you coulda just asked him now that you're dating, but you decided to be sneaky........"


Julianne laughs, and it makes me smile. I'm determined to get this girl to come out of her shell a little this weekend.

"It's Ernest," Julianne smirks.


"Jules, I'm gonna call him 'Ernie' when he calls me Tatum. It's gonna piss him off so hard!" Tate cackles as he reaches for another slice of pizza.

"It was our grandpa's name. Our dad wanted it for his first name and our mom refused. So they compromised with it for the middle," Julianne says as she ignores her brother.

"I'm sure Holden appreciated that," I chuckle as I eat my pizza.

"I'm pretty sure he broke a kid's nose once who had found out and started teasing him about it. I don't remember most of the details because I was just little, but I remember dad screaming at him for forever. Do you remember that Jules?"

"No," she says as she shakes her head and picks at the pepperoni on her slice.

The room gets silent as the kids think about their dad, or Holden, and finally Tate shakes his head and shrugs. "I'm still gonna call him Ernie and hope he won't break my nose."

"Or bust your butt," Julianne grins.

"That too......"

"So what should we do tonight?" I finally ask to break the silence. "I have to work at the bar tomorrow evening, but we can do whatever, as long as it's legal, tonight!"

Tate stares at me incredulously until it makes me uncomfortable. "What?"

"Have you forgotten where we live? There's literally nothing to do here that's still open...That's legal for minors."

"Oh...Right...Well, wanna play games or have a movie marathon?"

Tate and Julianne both fight a smirk and say at the exact same time.



We have the best night ever playing all sorts of board games, and I had fun spanking their asses in Phase 10...My favorite game

"This game is infuriating," Tate groans as he throws down his cards once I go out on the tenth phase, and I chuckle...I totally cheated, but Holden wasn't here to tattle on me this time.

I'm already missing him so much. Does that make me a loser?

"Alright, what's next?" I ask as I look at the two teens, and both of them give me a surprised look.

"What's next? Quinn, it's almost 3am!" Tate says

"Stop it!" I gasp as I look at the clock on the stove. "You're kidding me!"

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