~54~ Out Of Control

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I know, I know...I've been leaving you guys on cliffhangers and I've gotta say.. Keep preparing yourself for more 🤣 this storyline is a long one and cliffhangers just make sense lmao!

I forgot to add last week that my new story, Destined By Proxy, is up and I'm having fun with it. If you haven't checked it out, I invite you to join the crazy and get submerged into even more drama.

Ok, let's get back to Tate...

Julianne's POV

Holden peeks into Nico's room, and he's busy grading. "Tate didn't come in here, did he?"

Nico looks up and puts his pen down. "He go rogue again?"

At Holden's curt nod, Nico sighs as he stuffs his folder and papers in his bag.

"Let's go find him, T."

"Nico, no. You got zero sleep last night and you have to work at the bar."

Nico shrugs as he gets on his phone. "Hey boss. Your lover needs help with his teen...Can I skip or are you gonna have my ass?...Ah, boss.....I don't care what no one says....You're a big 'ol' softie.....Well that wasn't very nice.....Ok bye." He gets off and puts his phone in his pocket.

"What you talkin' 'bout T? I ain't got work tonight."

Holden rolls his eyes. "You got no sleep last night...My couch is uncomfortable as shit and I heard you tossing and turning."

"Eh, sleep is for the weak," he says as he pounds on his chest, takes a big intake of breath, and makes a throaty growl as he says "And I'm a BEAST!"

Holden can't stop himself from smirking, and my chest fills with love for Nico. He truly loves my brother, and I think I'm starting to love him for it. I've always liked Nico, but this is what family should do for each other.

It's in this moment I realize that Nico is apart of our family..The three of us have someone who will never turn their back on us.

And we need that more than anything in this world

"I don't even know where to start looking for him," Holden says defeatedly...and I see it...probably for the first time.

Tate and I? We've put him through hell lately

I wrap my arms around his neck, and his back stiffens in surprise. He hugs me back tightly and simply holds me until I pull away.

"I'm sorry," I say as I kiss his cheek, and he tilts his head in confusion.

"For what?"

"We've made your life hell since we got here."

Sadness fills his eyes as he shakes his head and kisses my nose. "No, you've been through hell your whole lives—We all have. I just get the fun teenage shit that dad never cared to correct me on at this age. Let's go find him."

"Awww, look at us! Spendin' our night trackin' down a hoodlum," Nico grins as he claps his hands in faux excitement.

"Big fun," Holden pouts as we leave the school and start our search, once again, for Tate.


Holden decides to start with the house, and go from there. When we get in, I crinkle my nose.

"Did a skunk get in?" I ask Holden, and he and Nico share a look.

"A highly doubt it," Holden mutters as he goes to our closed bedroom door and knocks loudly on it.

"You better open this damn door now," he says lethally.

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