~4~ Ooof

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Julianne's POV

"We're going to start with your phone. I'll give it back to you on Tuesday when you leave, and then it's up to your mom and Grandma on whether or not they take it. Hand it over."

"So I can't talk to my mom?" she says with an attitude that surprises him. He raises his eyebrows and sticks out his hand, palm up.

"You can. She can call my phone or you can call her on my phone, whenever you want. But I'm grounding you from yours. Hand it over now."

She lets out a breath of disgust as she places it in his palm, and his eyes doesn't leave hers as he puts it next to the stack of papers he still has left to grade.

"You're also grounded while you're here. You will go nowhere except school, or the bar when I work tomorrow night. When you come back on Friday, you will be grounded the whole weekend."

"Holden! I have plans with Julianne to go to a book signing at the library on Friday night. Margaret Atwood is actually coming to town!"

Holden nods, unaffected by her unfortunate circumstance. "I'm sorry, but you will miss it."

"So you will punish Julianne? You know as well as I do that going places by herself makes her uncomfortable!"

"I do know that. No, if she still wants to go then I'll go with her. I was already hoping she'd get my copy of 'The Handsmaid's Tale' signed."

"This is so unfair! Nobody famous ever comes here. You're seriously going to make me miss it? I'd rather take a spanking!"

"You don't get to choose your punishment. You do the crime and I get to decide how best to correct you. You are grounded until Sunday while you are with us, and you don't have your phone. Keep it up and I'll add on more."

"And if I refuse?" She challenges as she crosses her arms in protest.

"Then you can stay with your grandma this week."

She lets out a disgusted breath and stands up, walking toward the door.

"Do not leave this yard, Kenna. I'm serious about it. They have no idea if the killer is still in town."

Kenna says nothing as she slams the door, and Holden leans back in his chair with a large sigh. "I'm so sick of slamming doors," he mutters to himself as he runs his fingers through his hair and closes his eyes in frustration.


Holden turns on the TV after lunch, and sits down in his recliner. The first thing that pops up on the local news is a story that makes him turn the volume up shush us.

"Authorities have yet to release the name of the victim found deceased in Cedar Key on Saturday evening, but the family has been notified. Residents are advised to remain vigilant, and report any leads they may have in regards to this case. This investigation is ongoing."

Holden watches the screen in silence, and then shakes his head.

"Why are you so freaked about this?" Tate asks him as he scrolls his phone.

Holden looks at him and shrugs. "She was murdered, Tate. We have annoying, drunk tourists here, but never murder. It's freaked me out."

Tate rolls his eyes. "You're being a drama Queen. I'm sure the person who did it was an ex boyfriend or something. I'm sure they're gone."

"Hopefully," Holden agrees.

That evening when Kenna's mom gets here, Holden let's her in with a tight expression. He looks over at us and smiles apologetically. Guys, why don't we go sit outside for a bit and give them some privacy."

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