~17~ Enjoy The Drama

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As Holden walks around the grassy area for a minute, Kenna looks at me.

"I've never seen Mr. T like this before. He never gets mad."

"I've never seen him like this either."

"Any chance you would want to work on homework tonight?" She asks as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"You just want the drama......" I say with a genuine smile. I think I actually like her. She's easy to talk with, and a little crazy.

She shrugs. "Yeah, drama is basically what I live for....But my sister really drives me crazy and my mom has to work late tonight."

When Holden comes back to me with a fake smile on his face, I stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"Ready to go, Jules?"

"Can Kenna come over and work on homework?"

He starts to shake his head no, but stops himself.

"....Sure. It's not your fault that your brother went MIA. Do I need to call your mom, Kenna?"

"Nah, I'll just text her. She's working the night shift at the hospital."

Holden nods as he motions for his car. He doesn't act awkward at all that one of his students is coming home with us, and for some reason I don't feel awkward either...I don't feel like I have to entertain her.

I have a feeling she will entertain herself.


We drive home and she and I chat the whole way about hitting the pickle-ball into Shane's head. We even got Holden chuckling at Kenna's description of his face after it happened.

When we get in and sit at the table, Holden lets out a sigh. "I don't have any soda until Friday, but I've got water or lemonade," he says as he sets his bag down at the table and heads to the fridge.

"I'll take lemonade," Kenna says as she sits down and looks around the tiny kitchen.

"K. Annie?"

"Me too," I say as I notice Kenna giving me a weird look.

"Annie?" She asks quietly, but Holden overhears and starts to chuckle.

"It's what I used to call her when she was little. I won't call her that in school and embarrass her, but it's fair game here."

"I like it," she shrugs as she takes the lemonade and takes a long drink.

"Thanks Mr. T...It's weird being in your house...."

He chuckles again and nods. "Yeah, but it's even weirder with you calling me Mr. T in my house. You can call me Holden when you're here....."

"I don't know if I can...that feels even weirder," she says as she looks appalled.

"I call you Kenna......." He argues gently.

"....Yeah, but you're old."

"Ouch! Why do you people keep calling me old?!?" He fake snaps as he gives her a teasing grin and goes into his room to change.

Kenna laughs as she gives me a smile. "Thanks for letting me crash...I promise I didn't come for the drama...It just gets lonely at home."

"I understand lonely," I nod as I open up my Calc book and start on the assignment.

"Where did you used to live?" She asks as she does the same.


"You miss it?"

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