~5~ Ted Bundy

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Holden's POV

I watch her watch TV, and I can't get enough. I get so nervous sitting next to her. We've been seeing each other for a couple of months, but it doesn't matter. It's as if we're on our first date again. At the waterfalls again. I'm still crushing hard.

She starts to laugh at something, and when I don't laugh with her, she turns to look at me.

"You've gotta be kidding me! You don't like 'The Big Bang Theory' either? That line was comic GOLD!"

"Oh, sorry! I didn't hear it."

She tilts her head to the side and two lines between her brow appears. "How did you not hear it?"

I chuckle, feeling embarrassment creep in as I pull her in close to me and kiss her auburn hair. "I was too busy thinking how crazy I am about you."

She relaxes into me and tilts her face until her lips meet mine. When I kiss her, I let myself feel the love I have for her.

Damn I was so delusional before

I kiss her deeper, and put my hand on her stomach, feeling her soft ivory skin under her shirt.

I start to move my hand up, feeling like a teenager again with the amount of nerves and excitement coursing through me. I almost get to her bra, when my phone rings.

Damn! Whatever Holden, you really gonna have sex with your girlfriend on the couch when your siblings are in the other room? Keep it in your pants, man!

I look at my phone and see that it's Tate.

"He's in their room!" I say to myself, and Sylvie straightens up and looks at me.

"You gonna answer it?"

I nod and swipe, putting the phone to my ear quickly.

"No, I won't bring you a soda, dork face. Get it yourself."

"Holden, I....." His voice sounds so off that it immediately makes me sick. I stand up before I even answer him and run to their room.

"What's wrong, Tatum?" I ask as I burst through their door and see Jules in her bed watching TV, and a suspicious mound of something under the covers on Tate's.

He starts talking as I pull back the covers and discover simultaneously that the mound is pillows, and something is wrong with my brother.

"I need you to come to the station."

"Station? As in, Police?"

"Yeah," he says as his voice cracks and he starts to cry.

"We were at a bonfire by the railroad tracks and I went off with a couple of buddies. Holden...There was...And now they think that I...Because it's the second....I didn't......"

He's crying so hard that I have no idea what he's talking about, but I grab my keys and slip on my HeyDude's. "I'll be right there," I say quickly as I turn to Sylvie.

She nods and gives me a nervous smile. "I'll stay with Jules until you get back."


I get to the station quickly, and Sean is waiting for me.

"I'm sorry, Holden. But now this is the second and we have to....."

"The second what?" I interrupt

"The second murder. We think there's a damn serial killer now and Tate has discovered both women. I'm sorry, dude. We had to bring him in."

"Where is he?"

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