~20~ Let Me Go Home

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Possible Trigger Warning ❤️

As soon as we get out of school, Brandy is waiting for us by Holden's car.

"Uh, hey baby," he grins as he comes over and kisses her. "Did we get our wires crossed? We're leaving once we grab our bags from home."

"No," she grins as she puffs out her chest and brushes her hair out of her face with her freshly manicured nails.

"I thought I'd surprise you and take you to the airport...That way you don't have to leave it there for a few days, and you get to ride in air condition for once."

"That's nice of you, but we're gonna get back in late Sunday night...I can't ask you to come back and get us."

"Good thing you're not asking then," she grins as she hugs him around the waist. "I'm so glad we made up."

"Me too," he whispers as he kisses her hair. "You guys ready?"

"Can I have my phone back now?" Tate asks as he gets in the back.

Holden breathes through his nose and lets it out noisily.

"Dude, you're grating on my nerves. We'll meet you at the house, B."


The ride to the airport consists of Brandy talking the whole time about herself, and Holden nodding and interjecting one word exclamations into the mix. The ONLY enjoyable thing is the icy-cold air hitting us on the face in the backseat.

We get to the airport and Brandy starts to cry.

"What's wrong, B?"

"I'm just gonna miss you...I d-don't see why you h-have to g-go. I never s-see you any—more."

He pulls her in and cradles her head against his chest. "How about you stay over when we get back," he whispers as she folds into him.

She simply nods and he kisses her hair. "We've gotta get to our terminal. I love you."

"Love you," she sniffs as she wipes at her eyes and gives me and Tate a glare.

Walking through the airport this time is a whole lot different than the last. This time I don't feel scared. We're getting to know Holden and we know he isn't a monster.

We aren't wondering when we're gonna eat next, or sleep, or anything. This time, we're going back home.

And I get to see Cook!!!

The plane ride was still five hours, but it goes by so much faster. I don't feel doom as I look out the window and watch the clouds move underneath us. I don't feel like getting in a plane crash would be a good thing.

I don't feel like my world has completely and utterly ended.

When we land, I was expecting it to be around 10pm, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see that it's still light out.

Time change, Julianne

There's a man holding a sign that says Thompson, and Tate grins. "I forgot what it's like to have money!"

"Me too," Holden mutters as we get to the guy and he walks us to the limo.

When we get in and our luggage is put into the back, Holden gives Tate his phone. "I can take it away as easily as I just gave it to you....."

"I get it!" Tate snaps as he grabs the phone and immediately starts group chatting with a bunch of people, and he's preoccupied with that for the entire way to the house.

"What'cha thinking, Annie?" Holden asks as I'm watching out the window intently.

When I smile at him, he smiles back. "Taking this road last time....I was just really scared, and it feels different now."

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