~20~ Presentation Day

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Bonus!! Because for one, I'm trying to thank you for being amazing. And for two, I've been planning this storyline for months and finally got to write it the last couple of days..And I'm excited to share it lol

Possible trigger warning if vomit makes you queasy....Maybe hold off on eating for a few minutes 😜

Julianne's POV

As I throw up into the toilet, I try to ignore how grimy the bowl is. When's the last time this was cleaned?

I ignore the droplets of water that bounce from the toilet and hit my face as I continue wretching until bile is the only thing coming up.

"Jules?" Holden asks from the doorway, and comes to sit next to me on the ground so he can hold back my hair.

He softly feels my clammy forehead with his hand, and when he can tell I have no fever, reaches for a wash cloth and wets it in the sink. He dabs at the clamminess on my face while holding my hair with his other hand.

"Did you eat something last night that made you sick, sweetheart?" He asks softly as another wave of nausea hits and I throw up again, my tummy turning even more sour at the taste of the bile.

I just want to die

When the gagging passes, I shake my head. "No...I'm nervous," I gasp as I spit out more of the bile that's still lingering in my mouth.

"The presentation today is making you throw up?" Holden gasps in horror as he wets the washcloth again and continues to dab at my forehead.

"Please don't make me do it," I beg as I start to cry, and when I look at him I see the turmoil on his face.

"Jules....." he starts, when I shake my head and push him. "I need you to leave," I gasp as I stand up.

"What?" He asks as he stands up quickly and stares at me in horror and confusion.

I don't say anything else to him as I grab him by his arm and pull him hard, literally shoving him out the door and slamming it shut.

It's coming out the other end now.


When my stomach and intestines are officially cleared, I just turn on the shower and hop in....Which is also for my brothers' benefit. With as small as this house is, this bathroom needs a bit before I open this door.

I hate being the only girl and having to share a bathroom. I swear I have no privacy, and now dignity.

I get out of the shower and wipe away the steam on the window. The girl staring back at me is pathetic with her....SHOOT!! I totally washed my hair! Now what am I going to do? I'm never going to get it to look right if I have to blow dry it.

I hate my life

"Julianne! I get that you're having a moment, but some of us need to piss! Holden yelled at me the last time I did it in the bush! Come on!"

I sigh as I open the door, not putting up a fight because he's right. I've monopolized this bathroom for almost an hour this morning and they still have to get ready.

"Ew! Let me get out first!" I shriek with just a towel around me, and I hear him mutter.... "Ew.....She's one to talk. This bathroom is still rank."

Mortification stuns me for a moment as I rush to our bedroom and lock the door. I stare at my pile of clothes that I discarded last night, still not finding the perfect outfit to wear for my presentation...And I only have 20 minutes before we have to leave.

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