~14~ Annoyed

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Sylvie's POV

We walk to Holden's and I've gotta admit, it's creepy. I try to act like I'm not scared, but even the owls hooting in their trees are making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

"What was that?" Julianne cries, and when we see an outline of a raccoon running through the tree-line, we all relax slightly.

Holden is going to be so upset with me. How could I have been so stupid today? I've literally done nothing right since the moment I got woken up. How does he do this every single day?

I take Julianne's hand and give it a squeeze. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you, Jules. We're almost home."

When we finally get inside, I quickly lock the door and try to get the pounding in my ears to chill out. It's so much different being responsible for other people. I don't think walking home would've bothered me that much otherwise. Maybe I'm just a chicken shit. I swear I'm gonna beat the ass of whoever this murderer is. How dare they make me scared to walk in my own town. How dare they!

When I look over, Julianne is starting to cry.

"What's wrong, Jules?" I ask as I pull her into a hug.

"I miss Holden. That was so scary....What if that guy is here? What if they saw us walking and thought about killing us?"

"The doors are locked, girly. You're safe."

"I just wish he was here," she cries as she goes to her room and shuts the door.

I turn to Tate, and I can't read his face. "I really am sorry, Quinn."

"I know, Tate. Go to bed and we will deal with this when Holden comes back."

He simply nods and heads to their room, and I fight tears. I'm not a cryer, yet I feel like sobbing right now.

I've done so many things wrong today


Nico pulls in about noon the next day, and we all get excited. Even though Tate and I are nervous, and Julianne wasn't on the best terms with him when he left, we all feel the same way.

We need Holden in our lives as much as we need air in our lungs.

We are so excited he's home.

He walks in and before he can even get fully through the door, Julianne meets him and wraps her arms around his waist tightly. So tightly, he loses his balance just a little and has to steady himself.

"Hey sweetheart," he says gently, surprised by her warm reaction, and hugs her even tighter and kisses her head.

"I missed you," she says, and I can see on his face that she may as well have given him the moon and the stars. She just made him light up.

He lets her go and bends so he's eye level, and kisses her forehead.

"I'm sorry I was so awful to you. I'll do better." She says as she fights tears. He gives her another smile and pulls her in for another hug. "Thank you, Annie. I love you, sweetheart."

"Love you too," she says in his chest, and his mouth drops open before he can control himself. I wonder if that was the first time she's said it to him. Surely it's not

When she pulls away, he looks at Tate, and then at me. We must both have weird looks on our faces because he says "What in the world happened this weekend?"

When neither of us say anything, he walks over and hugs Tate, and kisses him on the head. "Love you. Were you good this weekend?"

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