~11~ Sorority You Say?

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Holden's POV

As the hot water hits my skin and soothes my tight muscles, I smile to myself.

Such a good end to last night.

As I replay the night over and over in my mind, all I want to do is relive it.

But I've got damage control to do, and adulting instead.

I sigh as I finally convince myself to shut off the water, and get chilled a little when I step out. I grab the only clean towel left, with a giant hole in it, and roll my eyes as I wrap it around my waist and see that it does little to cover the important parts...How do I leave the bathroom without flashing and scarring my siblings? I didn't bring my clothes in with me and Sylvie is already gone.


I shift the towel so I can cover a little more, and hope for the best as I crack open the door and peek around. When I decide the coast is clear,
I scurry like a freaking dork to my room, doing a little hop-skip to get me there faster.

"You need to start tanning your ass, Holden," Tate says from the living room, and Julianne snorts in amusement. The mortification hits me hard.

Damn it

I get to my room and get myself dressed for the day, and take a good five minutes talking myself into facing them.

When I finally get the courage, it's awkward AF for multiple reasons. I'm annoyed with Jules and she feels awkward about it. Tate is annoyed with me and I feel awkward about it.

And everyone just saw my ass and we all feel
awkward about it.

I break the tension first with a stupid smile. "Who took the last good towel?"

Tate smirks just a little and shakes his head. "Maybe if you would do laundry more than once every three weeks."

"Or we could ALL do laundry so it doesn't all fall on me," I snap back, and he shoots me another glare.

"Tate, I'm sorry dude. You tried to warn me and I didn't take you seriously. Thank you for having my back even when I'm being an asshole. Love you buddy."

His face softens just a little and he takes another bite of his cereal.

"She's coming back?" He finally asks quietly.

"Yeah, tonight actually. I need to talk to you guys about something."

When they both look at me, I start.

"Nico and I have to leave on Friday for a teacher's conference in Streetor. You guys can either come with me and hang in the hotel for the entire weekend, or Sylvie offered to come here and stay with you guys. She only has one shift at the bar she has to cover, but the rest of the weekend you would hang here. Are you guys comfortable with that?"

It's quiet for a few moments as they silently look at each other. "How much freedom would we get at the hotel? Is there a pool?" Tate asks

I fight a rude snort and shake my head instead. "I'm staying in a Super 8. They won't pay for the hotel and I'm trying to save. That motel took their pool out years ago."

Tate groans and shakes his head. "I'm not staying in a tiny roach-infested room all weekend. I'll stay here, in this big one."

"Cute...." I mutter as I turn to Annie

"Me too," she says softly.

"Ok. You two are comfortable alone with her? If not we will work something else out. We've talked about safe adults before. If you don't feel like she's safe then I need to know that."

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