~49~ Does That Make Me Evil?

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Hey Fam!

I'm probably not going to give a ton of bonuses for a while. This story is NOT ending, and as I've stated a million times I just get bored easily. I'm needing a little time "away" from the Thompson's. But that's not what it sounds like lol.

I'm still going to update every Friday and post bonuses when I can

However, I started writing a NEW book and I'm having so much fun with it that it's going to get more attention for now!

But don't panic! I have done this a lot. I get refreshed with a new story and it helps me from becoming stale and stagnant with my older one. I still have a ton more ideas for Dance In The Rain, and Tate will be getting a big storyline next...I've already banked a bunch of chapters, and friends...Tate is getting a lot of attention for a bit, so buckle up.

I will post on here when I'm ready to drop the new story. It's going to be a spinoff of my Marriage series... So if you haven't read that, I welcome you to check it out.

For now, enjoy this shorter transition chapter. Because next week's chapter is gonna be....Well, it's different 😉

Julianne's POV

We stay for over an hour, watching as the cops, the coroner, and the news station all arrive and do their thing.

Holden, Nico, Quinn, and Ryan all get interviewed, and Lundy takes all of their statements while Grebner tapes off the scene.

"You were out for a smoke? How long were you gone?" Lundy asks Ryan for the third time.

"Uh, like ten minutes? Please don't put that in the report, Lundy...I promised Marissa I would quit...She's gonna bust my ass if she finds out!"

Nico gets a funny look and leans in to Holden. "He was gone way longer than 10 minutes....."

He and Holden swap looks and then focus on what the officer is saying.

"You and Brandy got in a fight?" Lundy asks Holden.

"No—We didn't fight at all. I just very plainly told her I wasn't interested in a relationship and she didn't like it."

"Hmmmm," Lundy says, and Nico shakes his head.

"Quit, Lundy. He didn't even leave the bar to take a piss all damn night."

Lundy nods and writes in his notebook. "I'm about to retire—I'm sick of this shit," he grumbles.

We all turn at the sound of a gurney, and Holden stares at the bodybag it's carrying.

Does he look sad? I can't decide what his face is

Quinn comes over and takes his hand, and he turns to her and gives her a small smile and kisses her forehead.

"Lundy, are we free to leave? These kids have school tomorrow," Quinn asks.

Lundy nods. "Yeah, I'll call you if we have anymore questions."

"Nico's gonna close the bar. Want me to go home with you?" Quinn asks softly.



Sylvie's POV

We get back to Holden's and he motions toward the kids' room. "We have to be up in less than five hours. Get to bed you two."

Neither of them argue, and it surprises me—Not everyone can hang at 2am like I can. It's a pretty cool flex of mine

The kids go into their room and shut the door, and I watch him carefully.

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