~23~ Tell Me About Your Book

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Julianne's POV

I slip into leggings and sit on my bed, picking up my copy of Iron Flame that I haven't gotten to yet because I keep rereading Fourth Wing.

How am I gonna be away from Xaden for two whole weeks?!?

To keep my mind off of my impending doom, I pick up Fourth Wing once more and flip to my favorite chapter, Chapter 13, and reread what I already know by heart.

Holden raps on the door. "You dressed?" He asks, his voice muffled slightly.


He comes in and frowns when he sees my book opened. "Hand them over. I mean it, you're grounded from recreational reading for two weeks."

Shoot! Hopefully he doesn't look these over because I'm positive he won't let me read them.....and if he takes away my books for good I'll probably die.

I reluctantly hand them to him and he puts them on Tate's bed, and then sits on his bed and brings his elbows to his knees. "I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with this. But you will not skip school again, or go anywhere alone until the person is caught. I clear?"


"Please do your presentation tomorrow."

At my silence, he sighs and sits next to me on my bed, kissing my temple softly. "I'm glad you came home, and told me the truth. I love you."

I don't say it back, but I don't think it really bothers him as he pats his lap silently, and I know my time is up.

I wonder if Gage gets spanked too. Hopefully not, because I don't want him getting one because of me.

I go over Holden's lap without a fight, because I'm in enough trouble without tacking on more.
Plus, I'm trying to get him to go easier on me. I really don't want anyone at the school being able to tell what my punishment was.

I haven't had a ton of these, but I can tell Holden is getting more confident as he pulls me against him tighter and tips me lower so I'm at a better angle. When the first slap lands, I bite my bottom lip.

He's definitely getting more confident

Tears begin to pool in my eyes after only ten sharp slaps to the meaty parts of my bottom. The way he is going slow, yet making his smacks stingy only gives the burn more time to sink into the deeper layers of my poor skin.

I can't help myself after smack number fifteen, and start to fidget, grabbing ahold of his black dress pants and fisting the soft cotton in my hand, pulling on it slightly.

"Ow! Holden please!"

"Julianne....." He starts, but stops so he can catch my flailing legs and traps them with one of his heavy ones.

He brings a couple harsh ones down on my thighs, and I can't help but wonder if he did those on purpose, or if he just has bad aim.


"You need to keep still, young lady," he scolds as he smacks again, and waits at least two seconds before he smacks the under curve of my left cheek.

As if he's keeping tempo in his head, every two to three seconds he sends another harsh slap down on my bottom.

"No!!!" I gasp as I try to wiggle free, and I can tell from his body language that he's getting frustrated.

"Ok, last chance before I make you change into shorts."

"What?!?" I wail as I keep thrashing.

"Quit fighting me, Julianne!"

I grab the hem of his pants once more and rest my head on my comforter as the worst of the smacks get administered.

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