~42~ It's Practice, not Kink

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Sylvie's POV

When I walk into the Thompson house, it's quiet and awkward. Holden is doing the dishes and all three kids are sitting solemnly at the table. Holden has his AirPods in and listening to a podcast when I touch him gently on the arm.

"Hey, sorry it took me so long," I say, and he smiles as he kisses my temple and takes the AirPod out of his ear.

"Thanks for coming, Sylv," he says as he pulls me into a hug and kisses my lips. "Let's talk for a minute," he whispers as he takes my hand and pulls me into his room.

"How's it going?" I ask when he shuts the door, and as soon as it's just us I see how upset he is.

"I'm so nervous," he whispers as he holds his stomach and blows out a big breath.

"Do you want me to do it?" I ask.

"No...I already told her I was going to. I won't spring that on her..Plus, her mom never gave permission for my girlfriend to do it."

I smile in understanding as I take his hand. "You need to have a plan...This girl gets belted bare, at least I would assume knowing her family, your hand spanking will probably not be that big of a deal to her."

"I'm not using the belt on her..I've only done it once...She's terrified and already feels awkward. And after how her sister used to treat her.....I'm so damn stressed."

"What about doing some of it with that hairbrush I left?" I ask.

He looks over at it and shrugs. "I almost used it on Tate for the fighting but then chickened out. I don't want to bruise these kids, Sylvie. Plus, I can't use the hairbrush on her if I don't use it on Julianne.."

"If you want my advice, you're gonna have to ask for it. Otherwise I'll just keep my mouth shut and let you process."

"I'm asking for your advice. I've never been spanked before!"

"I can remedy that," I tease, but he doesn't appreciate my humor.

"Ok here it is...Spank her for a while until you want to speed it along. Then use the hairbrush. To keep it fair, give Julianne a few smacks with it as part of her punishment for walking alone right now."

"But I don't want to bruise them, Sylvie"

"You owe me," I sigh as I take my pants and underwear down.

"What the heck are you doing? I'm not having sex with you right now, Sylvie! I'm freaking out and this isn't helping at all!"

I roll my eyes as I go over to his bed and bend until my palms are down and my ass is out. "Practice on me..."

"Absolutely not," he argues.

"You really think a few whacks with this thing is gonna hurt me? I got spanked at least three times a week. I was a terror. Do it a few times to get a feel for it and see how quickly the skin pinks up."

"But I don't spank these kids bare, so I don't see how this will help."

I straighten up and he surprises me by keeping his eyes locked on my face and not letting them roam. "Which is why we spank bare around here...So you can see exactly what kind of damage you're doing."

"These are my siblings...I won't do it. Not ever," he snaps.

"I know..Just practice on me a few times and I'll tell you if it's too hard or not."

"What if the kids hear?" He asks.

I shrug. "It's practice, not kink. Hurry up, it's drafty in here."

He smirks a little as he comes over and grabs my arm, pulling me against him and kissing me hard. "You might wanna be careful, I might like doing this to you," he teases, and I scoff.

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