~44~ Game Night

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Julianne's POV

"Okay, but if your brother catches us, I'm not taking the rap for it. Did you see him back there? I didn't know his voice could get so deep!" Quinn pretends to shutter as she buys me a lemon shakeup from one of the trucks that's still open on the boardwalk.

"He'll get mad about a drink?"

She chuckles as she shakes her head. "I'm just kidding. Your brother is the best guy I know. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with him lately."

We sit on a bench with my new Library card in my pocket and a copy of Twilight in my lap. I've wanted to read this series for forever, but I never have.

"You and my brother know each other a long time?"

Quinn nods as she takes a drink of her lemon shakeup.

"The day he moved to town, actually. We met at the Library. He was looking over pamphlets from the college he had enrolled in, and I was attending the school already. So I just sat down next to him and we've been friends ever since."

"How's come you guys never dated? I know you think he's cute by the way you look at him sometimes."

Her cheeks immediately turn crimson as she tries to duck her head to hide it. When she looks at me, I see how deeply she actually likes Holden. Is she in love with him?

"Never worked out. One of us was always seeing someone, and our friendship just became so strong that...I needed him as a friend more than a partner."

"And now?"

"And now.....Now he has the two of you that need him. Plus Brandy, but we don't talk about her."

I groan, and she smirks. "Brandy hates me"

"Brandy hates everyone. If she ever says anything nasty to you, let me know and I'll beat her ass. I've done it before."

"You have?!?" I choke as lemon shakeup goes out my nose.

Quinn laughs as she hands me a napkin and waits for me to stop choking. "Yeah, in high school. I broke her nose so bad she had to get a nose job. That was the worst spanking I ever got, but it was totally worth it. And the best part? Nobody can give me a spanking now for doing it again. You say the word, and I'll pound her."

I laugh out loud, and the sound surprises me—I don't think I laugh very much anymore. Or, ever.....

"There you two are!" Holden says from behind us, and when we turn to look at him, his eyes are twinkling as he looks at me. "You sound like you're having a great day, Annie."

He takes a lock of my hair and is gentle as he pulls it through his fingers.

"Okay, I know how this looks but Holden, we really did go to the Library. See?" Quinn asks as she dramatically points to Twilight.

Holden's face immediately turns stern.

"Mmmhmm. And the sugary drink that will rot your brains out?"

"...Energy after reading all day....."

"And the cheesy fries?"

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