~59~ Broken Hearts

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We go back out into the living room and Kenna is watching our faces carefully. I give her a soft smile as I sit next to her, and Holden acts like nothing is wrong.

"I wanna talk to you guys," Holden finally says as he motions for me to walk into the kitchen. Kenna instinctively stiffens, but relaxes when Holden smiles and grabs Quinn's hand.

"I finally got the courage to ask her...We're officially dating," he grins as he leans down and kisses her on the cheek.

And the joy exuding from both of them makes me smile.

"That's awesome!" I say, making Holden's eyes twinkle. He looks at Tate skeptically, but relaxes when Tate wipes fake sweat off of his brow.

"I thought I'd be dead before you did it...But if I hear you two having sex, I'm gonna take a shot of the vodka you have hidden in that cabinet to knock me out cold."

Holden rolls his eyes and shoves Tate playfully. "How about you DON'T drink alcohol, huh?"

"Didn't hear you promise NOT to have loud sex," he grumbles as he turns back to his phone.

"Oh-Kayyyyy," Quinn interrupts, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I'm starving, and you need to know now that if you keep me fed, I'll continue being nice."

"Oh really?" Holden grins as he brushes some of her auburn hair off of her shoulder. "And what sounds good?"

"Does your clan like Mexican food? Lorena and I have a deal. I give her free drinks and food, and she reciprocates!"

I nod enthusiastically, and so does Tate. We haven't eaten there once since we've been here, because Holden said it was too expensive.

But I've been dying to eat some Enchiladas and Queso

"Kenna, do you?" Holden asks as he turns to her at the couch, and Tate lets out a rude noise.

"Who then hell cares! She came here UN-invited! Get me tacos in my belly now, or I'm gonna raise hell!"

"Tate, I'm one snide comment away from punishing you. Knock it off!" Holden snaps.

Tate rolls his eyes as Kenna nods. "I like Lorena's"

"Then it's settled," Quinn says as she hops up on the counter and dials the phone to order.


Kenna and I sit on my bed and eat our food, trying hard not to get Queso on the comforter.

"I can't believe Holden let us eat in your room," she says around a mouthful of rice, and I lick my finger as I nod.

"Me too. It's kinda fun."

"So what did you tell him?" She asks as she scrapes her chip along the top of the queso cheese.

"I didn't. I told him that you needed to stay tonight, and that's it."

"And he accepted it?"

I sigh as I wipe the grease off my fingers and onto my leggings.

"I think he's suspicious that you're being abused. He said that if you are, he has to report it or he will lose his job. I really really think that if we just tell him, he can help."

"No, Julianne," she says in such a harsh tone, I blink.

"Kenna, he saw how you're walking. He doesn't know who is doing it, and I won't tell him...But I don't think there's much I can do to stop him from...."

"That's just great," she interrupts as she slams the rice container on my bed and spilling its contents out. "What the hell am I supposed to do? My ass is already black and blue! It will be purple by tomorrow. And she wasn't even mad today!"

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