~52~ Left Out

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Buckle up, friends. I'm now 6 chapters deep in the Tate storyline and it's not over yet. You asked for Tate drama, and you got it....😘

Be careful what you wish for, because Lucy goes extra 💅

And not to give away my plans too much, but this storyline is gonna Segway into the murder storyline after, so.....Let's go! Who here likes drama?😉

Julianne's POV

I climb onto the bed and Tate does too, and we watch as Holden tries desperately to hide his anger.

"Not now, Sylvie," he finally says as he kicks off his shoes.

"Yeah, sorry.. When I'm in a fight with my boyfriend, I don't do the silent treatment bullshit. I'll tell you when I'm pissed, and I expect the same courtesy from you."

He looks at her, and shakes his head. "I'm not giving you the silent treatment. I don't feel like getting into this with them right here."

She blows out a breath and starts taking off her necklace and bracelet. "Holden, it's important for kids to witness healthy, constructive arguments. They don't need to just see you in a relationship during the good moments. They need to see how you navigate through the difficult ones. Why are you so mad at me?"

"How could you keep that from me?" He all but hisses as he walks over and glares down at her—She's significantly shorter now that she has taken off both stilettos.

"My sister?"

"No, Sylvie. The fact that she asked you to raise her kid?"

"Holden, she was drunk when she asked me! Do you know how many times since he was one that she's asked me? If I thought that she was serious, I WOULD have told you...unlike when you hid the fact that you even had a family," she snaps, and then flinches when she realizes she said that right in front of us.

Holden doesn't seemed fazed, though. "That's different. We weren't dating, then. I didn't owe you ANY personal information." He snaps.

"Oh...forgive me," she scoffs as she takes her hair out of the side pony and puts it up in a top-knot. "I just assumed that a friend would have told another friend that he had siblings..."

"So that's what this was? You trying to get back at me? That's really shitty, Sylvie."

"Get back at you?" She asks in fake amusement. "Not everything is about you, Holden! Believe me when I say that not every damn choice or thought I make revolves around you!"

He shakes his head in complete fury. "You get asked to raise a kid and you don't involve me....This was a HUGE deal!"

"If I was truly going to raise my nephew, you would have been the first one I came to...And the fact that you don't believe that, or are questioning how much you mean to me REALLY hurts."

His face softens just a touch and he lifts his hands up in defeat. "I'm sorry," he sighs as he takes off his dress shirt, still wearing his white tank underneath. "I just felt completely blindsided...What else haven't you been telling me?"

"I started to tell you about it that day at the bar, but I could tell you were stressed and preoccupied about other things!"

His eyes soften even more as he closes the distance between them and pulls her into a hug. "I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could tell me. I'll do better...And I'm so sorry we made such a bad impression with your family."

She hugs him back and stands on her tiptoes to kiss him. "Eh, it's okay..It coulda been so much worse."

"How ya figure that?"

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