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Growing up with no one to care for you is hard.You grow up having to see other kids having everything that they wish to have but you're struggling. Having no parents is also another thing.After my mom passed away we stayed alone,for two years until we went to an orphanage.At the orphanage they treated us right.But there came a time where I had to leave because I had reached that age whereby you have to leave.Thats what i was tod.i left my brother there and went to look for work.It was hard getting a job until a woman found me and told me that she had a job for me.She took me to her place and gave me a backroom.I stayed there and she got me a job as a waitress.i made something and could at least give my brother pocket money and buy nice things for him .But things changed.My boss made me be a stripper.i told that woman who gave me a plce to stay and she said it is not her fault and she started changing making me pay rent.Now im doing this job not because I love it,but because there is nothing I can do.i even got promoted to be a sex worker.Thats what they caled it. A promotion!Imagine!what kind of promotion is that? I cried the day they told me and begged but there was nothing I could do.i then found out that the woman im staying with  is the boss and that is how she get all these girls that work for her.By giving them waitressing jobs and making them trust her. then when they start trusting her she shows them the reason she really gave them that job from the beginning.And it is very hard leaving this kind of job.She even has police friends and reporting her is a waste of time.I’ve tried running away several times but didn’t succeed.That is just the story of my life.Well,on the academics side,we are not allowed to go to school.i’ve always loved school and would have loved to be a criminologist.But life happened.But as I started making money I saved and made sure to register for an online course at Unisa.i did journalism,that is what I could afford,it wasn’t as expensive as most of the  other courses.But even  that did not  put an end to my struggle. This is my life. The life of Kelebogile Mothupi. A daughter to the late Gadifele Mothupi and a sister to Kamogelo Mothupi.

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