Chapter thirty two

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I woke up the following day alone. It was so cold. I went to take a shower and came back to bed after checking on the kids. They were still sleeping. The door opened and my husband appeared with a tray.
Mandla:breakfast in bed.
Mandla:how are you?
Me:I'm fine and you?
Mandla:I'm good.
Me:you're good? After what happened yesterday?
Mandla:what happened yesterday?
Me:you said I won't go to Nirth West. You didn't even want us to talk about it.  You even burned the contract.
Mandla:I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
Me:you want everything to go your way. You were moved to Mpumalanga and i moved with you. I'm not even asking you to move with me. Just your support but you don't want to. So everything you say goes.
Mandla: I'm sorry but can't you understand where I come from? You are going to be in North West and we will be here. You know I can't spend a day without seeing you.
Me:it's fine. I will call and turn down the offer.
Mandla:thank you.
Me:what do you see when you look at me?
Mandla:I see my wife. Someone i love and cherish. I see a kind person with a good heart.
Me:and that's why you take that kindness for granted? Because that's what I see you doing. You want me to be a housewife. I don't want that. I want to have something that i worked for. I didn't just go to school only to not work.
Mandla:there's no pressure from me for you to find a job. You can take all the time you need. I can take care of all of us.
Me:I want to have something of my own. Something I can show that I did it myself.
Mandla:babe as i told you i can help you start your own business.
Me: I don't want your money. I want to work for my own things.

I don't want him to say it's his money that made my business some day. People change. You can trust them but they might surprise you. I'm not saying he will do that but one can never be sure.

Mandla:it's our money.We are married. What's mine is yours. I'm your husband. I'm supposed to help you where i can.
Me:you've already helped me a lot. You even paid for my studies. You're the reason I found my family. If it wasn't  for you i don't know where i would be. I'm very grateful for that. I'll be grateful for my whole life. But please.  Let me do this by myself.
Mandla: i understand what you are saying. But don't hesitate to ask for help.
Me:I'll be fine.

I ate my breakfast and after i took my car keys and drove home with the kids. I left Mangi, Kamo and Sipho at my house. When i arrived there was only gogo.
Me:gogo please help me look after them.
Gogo:leave them here. I will look after them.
Me:thank you. I will be in my room.

I went to the study  and took out my laptop. I called my boss and declined the job offer. I asked if there's an opening at the company around gauteng and he said they already filled my position. He told me that i can take my time and think carefully about it. I read my emails and responded to some. There was one that caught my attention. They were inviting me to an interview around Sandton. That's better. I just hope i get this job. I then think of business ideas. Something i can start. Something that will be on my name.
Voice:it's good to see you here.
Me:dad. I missed you.
I went to hug him.
Dad:i missed you too. So what are you doing?
Me:just looking for business ideas. I want to start something of my own. Losing my job made me realise how jobs are scarce. So why not do something that will guarantee me an income even when I don't have a job.
Dad:that's very good. I'm proud of you.
Me:but I don't have funding.
Dad:can't your husband help you?
Me:he offered but i declined the offer. I don't want him to do everything for me. He already paid for my studies.
Dad:we asked if he's the one paying for your studies and you said no.
Me:sorry dad. I knew you would have wanted to take over. Sorry.
Dad:don't take his offer. I will give you the money as a loan. Do everything and tell mehow much it will cost.
Me:really dad? Thank you so much.
Dad:I'm only giving it as a loan becausei know you'll want to pay it back. You'd use your share that your grandfather left for you but you are not 30 yet.
Me:yeah. But I'm grateful for the loan
Dad:are you alright?
Me:yeah. Xan i ask you something?
Me:if mom got a job in another province would you stop herfrom accepting it?
Dad:it would depend. If there's nothing keeping me here i would go with her but if it was the other way around I'd tellher not to go.
Me:but why dad?
Dad:i want my wife next to me at all times.
Me:but that's not fair. What if ut was a really good opportunity?
Dad:did you get a job offer out of this province?
Me:yeah. And my husband doesn't want me to go.
Dad:I'm with him on this one. We would also want our baby close to us.
Me:I'm not going anyway. I called them to decline the offer.
Dad:you will find another job. So what business are you starting?
Me:i don't know. I haven't thought of anything.
Dad:okay. Let me help you. We'll see if we'll get anything you like.


Themba did not arrive last night. I waited and waited then went to sleep. Not even a phone call. I got woken up by a call from his mother.
Ma:Hello Amahle.
Ma:what did Themba say about planning the wedding?
Me:mama Themba is not here. He did not arrive.
Ma:what do you mean he did not arrive?
Me:yes he did not.
Ma:but he left here saying he's going back to Joburg...Amahle. Tell me the truth. What happened to my son?
Me:i don't know.
Ma:if something happened to him you will know me! Better pray that he's found.
Me:i don't understand ma.
Ma:if my child is missing and something happened to him it will all be your fault.

I dropped the call. Why did she even call me? It's official now. I don't like that woman. Me and her will never get along. I got put of bed and took a shower then came back and gave my baby a shower. I dressed him and after i was done i made his food while trying his father's phone. I tried it countless times and henwas not picking up. It ended up going to voicemail.
Buhle:good morning.
Me:there's nothing good about this morning. Themba is missing and i don't know what to do. His mother is blaming me.
Buhle:awu. He didn't come back last night?
Me:no. Now i don't know whether to tell my parents that the wedding is cancelled ir what.
Buhle:let's wait until the day is over then we'll see what to do. For now we'll keep calling him.
Me:naybe you're right.
Buhle:go and sit down. I will do everything here.
I went to sit down and watched tv while feeding my son. After that i called Brian. His phone rang without being answered. When he finally answered it i was about to give up.
Brian:Amahle hi. Did he arrive?
Me:no. I wanted to ask if maybe he's still there.
Brian:he is not here. I think it's time i go and report him as a missing person. I'll let you know how everything goes.

After my conversation with Brian i was full of worry. I didn't know what to think anymore. What if he was hijacked on his way back here? I even reported him around here as a missing person. I even told my parents that he's missing and that the lobolo negotiations must be postponed. It a hard decision but it had to be done. I had to do it. Sitting in my flat was getting to me and i couldn't sit still without knowing where he is. I decided to drive to Limpopo. I talked to Brian and he said i could stay in Polokwane at his place. While driving i decided to stop at a garage and buy something to eat.i park my car and take my baby out with me. I take everything that I need and go back to my car. I wiped my tears and started driving. By the time I got to Polokwane I was so hungry. I took the keys where Brian said they were. I put my bag down and went to put my food in the plate and ate. When i was busy eating the door opened.
Brian:oh you're here.
Me:yes. Did you find anything?
Brian:yeah.  He was in an accident.  But he's at the hospital now.
Me:okay. He's going to be fine right?
Brian:yes. He can even talk. I told him that you're on your way. We will go and see him when it's visiting hours.
Me:okay. I'm just glad that he's going to be alright.
Brian:where's my boy?
Me:he's sleeping on the couch.
Brian:Amahle! What if he falls?
Me:dude relax. I've been watching him.
Brian:me and you are going to fight if my boy falls. Did he have something to eat?
Me:i was driving and when we got here he was already sleeping.
Brian:I'm going to wake him up so he can eat.
Me:when he cries don't tell me about it.
Brian:it's good that you are here. My brother will be happy to see you.
Me:I was so scared. I even cancelled the negotiations.
Brian: I think it's a good idea. You will have more time to plan.
Brian:my brother is lucky to have you. I want you to know that he will never do anything to hurt you. He would do anything for you. And please, when we go to the hospital be calm okay?
Me:why? Did something happen?
Brian:i called my parents and i think Nhlamjlo might come with them.  But don't worry. My brother didn't call her. My mother is the one who said she'll come with her.
Me:she called me. She blames me for what's happening.
Brian:don't take what she says to heart. Her opinion doesn't matter.
Me:she's his mother.
Brian:a mother who only cares about herself. She doesn't care about anyone else. As long as she gets what she wants. So just pay no attention to her.
Me:has she always been like that ?
Brian:yes. I know she's my mother and i should stand by her. But she's worse. So wena just don't mind her.

Wow. So it's not only me who doesn't get along with that woman. If her son talks like this about  her then what am  ?

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