Chapter eleven

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*Kelebogile's story*

*Chapter 11*

Mandla:baby do you regret what just happened?
Me:no,I don’t
Mandla:you see what just happened now,just made me love you more.
Me:so you didn’t love me before we slept together?
Mandla:we made love.i meant that my love for you keeps increasing but what happened today,we connected.
Today is our one year anniversary. He planned a romantic dinner for us at his place.i cant believe its already been a year.
Mandla:I just cant wait to see you walking down the aisle. Then have our little baby,plus you are a twin.We might get twins at the first try.
Me:aowa tlogela go buwa jaalo.
Mandla:babe mark my words,this is going to happen.
Me:that reminds me,we didn’t use protection.
Mandla:babe,I know you are not ready for a child.
Me:thanks for understanding.
Mandla:I will go and get morning afters for you.
He went out and I went to the shower to freshen up.After coming out I put on his shirt and went downstairs to get water.i went to the kitchen and took out the water and drank.
“Mandla ndoda you are so didn’t tell us you have a girlfriend.we had to see the romantic dinner leftovers.. “
I froze!i didn’t know whether to turn or what.How am I going to get out of this?
Nkanyezi:you can turn around,I don’t bite.
I felt him come where I was.
Nkanyezi: kelebogile what are you doing here?
Nkanyezi:im talking to you!you are even wearing his shirt!
Kuhle:whats this shouting about?
Nkanyezi:look at her,she’s in his shirt.she’s sleeping with him.
Me:im not sleeping with him
Kuhle:didn’t we say stay away from men?
Nkanyezi:couldn’t you find guys your age?
Kuhle:where’s that bustard?
Me:im sorry…
Nkanyezi:shut up!we think you are at your flat but you are busy sleeping with old men!
Kuhle:im going to kill that bustard!how can he do this!?
Voice:love im back…..oh hey I didn’t see you there.
Kuhle:what is our sister doing naked in your kitchen?
Nkanyiso: mfethu you are sleeping with her,our little sister?
Mandla:I cant help how my heart feels.i fell in love with her and there is nothing I can do.
Kuhle:what about your many girlfriends?why are you doing this?
Me:many gir…
Nkanyezi:shut up and go get dressed up!
I ran to the room to get dressed up.i went back and they were beating him up.i ran to them and tried pushing but I was not strong enough.
Me:please leave him.You will kill him!
My cries fell on deaf ears.
Kuhle:you better be home when we get there.
They left and Mandla was groaning due to pain.
Me:calm down my love,I am taking you to the hospital. leave me..
Me:I promise I wont.i will be here forever with you.i love you.
I helped him up and went to his car.i drove us to the hospital and he was attended to. I waited at the waiting room.After a while the doctor comes to me.
Me:dr whats happening?is he alright now?
Dr:yes,but he’ll have to spend a few days here.
Me:okay,can I go and see him?
Dr:please come tomorrow.He’s resting now.
Me:okay,I will come tomorrow.
I left to my flat and when I got there the flat was empty.i drove back to Mandla’s house and left his car.i called for an uber and it took me home.As I suspected I found all my things there.i went downstairs to look for those two.
Me:why are my things here?
Kuhle:you are staying here now.
Me:I stay at my flat,I come back on weekends and holidays.
Nkanyezi:you are not going there anymore. You will stay here where you can be properly watched..
Me:you cant do that!
Kuhle:I just did. And you better listen to are not going back to that place  so that you can sleep with that pervet.
Me:why are you being so hard?
Nkanyezi:we are protecting you here.
Me:I hate you!i hate all of you!
Mom:hey I can hear shouting all the way from upstairs.what’s going on?
Kuhle:ask her.
Me:you know what?i regret finding out that I have a family!This family is full of control freaks.if I knew that finding you guys was going to bring me problems I would have just stayed where I was.i hate you all!
Kuhle:don’t say things you will how you talk to us,we are your elders.
Nkanyezi:you are busy sleeping with a man my age and you expect me to keep quiet?
Me:its my life! I will do whatever I want.
Nkanyezi:we are looking out for you here.He will hurt you!
Me:thank you for looking out for me but I can take care of myself.
The following day.
Kelebogile woke up and did her hygiene process and got ready to go and see Mandla.She went out her room.
“are you going to see him?”
Nkanyezi:okay then.Can I just speak to you then you can go if you still want to go?
They  sat on the couches.
Nkanyezi:im your brother.i was not there when you were growing up and you had no one to look out for you.Now we are here,all your brothers and we wont just sit by and watch as things go wrong. You see the man you are sleeping with?he’s my best friend.i know everything that happens in his why didn’t he tell us that you two are dating?he is going to hurt you.
kele:he’s a good person.He hasn’t done anything to hurt me.
Nkanyezi:of course he’s going to hide it.How long have you been dating?
kele:a year.
Nkanyezi:and on the side he has sidechicks. He was sleeping with other women.This is the same reason his babymama left him.he will never change,cheating is in his blood.
kele:you are lying.
Nkanyezi:if I am lying go and ask him then you will decide what you want to do.
Nkanyezi:im only doing this to protect you.You have to think if he’s using protection,think about the diseases.i want whats best for you.
kele:thank you for telling me.
She left for the hospital.she arrived before visiting time started.she sat on the benches and waited until it was time.she went to his ward and he was awake.
Kele:hi,how are you feeling?
Mandla:better,thank you for coming.
Kele:that’s when are they discharging you?
Mandla:tomorrow.i cant wait to leave this place.
Kele:do you love me?
Mandla:yes,you know I love you.
Kele:then why cheat on me?
Mandla:im sorry..
Me:you are not even denying it
Mandla:it was never my intention to hurt you.
Kele:then why do it?
Mandla:I admit it was wrong of me.i am sorry.i’ve changed,it happens just once.
Kele:I feel so stupid.
Mandla:please don’t sorry.
Kele:you have hurt me so much.i don’t think I can do this.
Mandla:what!you cant break up with me,we are not breaking up.
Kele:im sorry but I cant be with a cheater..
Mandla:can you stop talking like that?me and you will never break you remember our promise?we said we will never leave each other and we are sticking to that.
Kele:how will we overcome this?you will never stop not the first one you’ve cheated on.
Mandla:you are different.i love you.with the others it was never about love.with you its more than love.i see a future with you.someone I can build a home for my children with.someone I want to grow old with.
Kele:am I your idiot?
Mandla:you know you are not.
Kele:thank you for your kindness,and everything you’ve done for me.i will always be grateful.
Mandla:please don’t do this to us.
Kele:goodbye Mandla.
She ran out of the hospital crying.

Its been full three weeks. Kelebogile has been moving on with her life and trying to forget about Mandla. Since they broke up they haven’t seen each other.She has just finished with her classes for the day and she was walking to her twin brother’s car when she saw someone leaning on it.She stopped on her tracks as someone shouted her was her former flatmate zoe.
Kele:how can I help you?
Zoe:girl its been long!when are you joining me for another party?
Kele:oh so that you can sell me or tell the  whole world that im a prostitute?no thanks.
Zoe:im sorry about that.your brother just upset me that day and I acted impulsive.
She left her there and went to the car.she was going to wait for Muzi to finish his classes then he would drive them home since they travel together.
Kele:hi,how are you?
Mandla:(he smiled at her)
He was glad to know that she still cared.
Mandla:im fine sweetheart.And you?
Kele:im fine.
Mandla:how was your day?
Kele:long but good.And yours?
Mandla:it was boring,but now ive seen you and im talking to you its good. you around.
Mandla:so you are leaving now?
Kele:im just going to sleep in the waiting for Muzi.
Mandla:we can go have a bite until he comes?
Kele:okay.where are we going?
Mandla:spur,just around the corner.
They took a walk there chatting here and there.they ordered and talked as they waited for their food.
Mandla:how have you been?how is school?
Kele:school is fine.and how is work?
Mandla:everything is fine at work.
Kele:and the girls?
Mandla:they are good,they are always asking about you.
Kele:oh our food is starving!
Mandla:I see.
Kele:let me know when they visit,I’d love to spend time with them.
Mandla:they are coming tomorrow.
Kele:okay,is it fine if I come?
Mandla:you don’t have to do you still remain so calm around me after what happened?
Kele:just because we are not together doesn’t mean things must be awkward between us.
Mandla:you are really a good person you know?i messed things hey?
Mandla:do you think you could ever forgive me and try again?
Kele:I already forgave for trying I don’t know.we will see.
Mandla:can I ask you something?
Mandla:do you still love me?
Kele:yes.Despite what happened,my love for you is still there.But I think we are just not right for each other.
Mandla:okay lets eat.
After they finished eating they left when Muzi called.they arrived where they had parked and Muzi was waiting.
Mandla:see you tomorrow then.
Kel:see you.
They hugged and went their separate ways.
Muzi:you still love him neh?
Kele:what are you talking about?
Muzi:I know you're not over him.
Kele:love is complicated hey.
Muzi:sis,go for your man.this might be your last chance at love.Dont cry when others take him.
Kele:so you wont judge because he’s older than me?
Muzi:who am I to judge?
Kele:thanks.i wish everyone was as understanding as you.
Muzi:but don’t be happy.wait until your brothers find out who you are dating.they will kill him.
Muzi:you are dating mandla and he’s their bestfriend and old on top of that,what do you think will happen?
Me:they already know. They beat him up and he ended up in hospital

KelebogileWhere stories live. Discover now