Chapter fourteen

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*Kelebogile's story*

*Chapter 14*

I still cant believe what happened just sitting on top of my bed.Even now I cannot sleep,im still terrified.i dial Mandla’s number and it rings a bit until its cut.Then my phone rings.
Me:hi,why did you cut me off?
Mandla:sorry for are you?
Me:im fine.
Mandla:I can hear you are not fine.why are you not sleping now?
Me:I wanted to hear your voice before sleeping.
Mandla:that’s so was the dinner?
Me:not good at mother’s cousins wanted to kill us.
Me:yeah.they poison my aunt during the day and no one noticed.then when we all went for dinner my aunt started coughing blood and was taken to the hospital.then mpho came back with blood all over his body,that’s when he forced them to confess.they said they had poisoned the food that we were all supposed to eat.afte we were dead they were going to burn us inside the house.
Mandla:I hope they are in jail now.
Me:yes they are.what did you talk about with my brothers?
Mandla:they’ve accepted our relationship.we fixed everything.Nkululeko is the one who’s a bit hard but we will be fine.
Me:okay,what are you doing tomorrow night?
Mandla:nothing wny?
Me:my mom wanted you to come for dinner but I had refused.But I think its fine if you come tomorrow.
Mandla:babe are you sure?
Me:yeah I am.
Mandla:my love,why don’t I take you out on a date tomorrow,then I will come to dinner when you are really ready for them to know about me.
Me:okay,that’s also fine.
Mandla:I love you baby.
Me:I love you more.Good night.
Mandla:goodnight,sleep well.
He cut the call and I tried going to sleep.
It has been three years and a lot has happened.My family accepted my relationship with Mandla but it took almost a year.everything is going well,but the only problem is Mandla’s family.They don’t love me at all.Only his mother,brother and little sister love me.His other side of the family,it’s a different story.His mom and dad are not together.His dad cheated and left her for the side cheek.She has the most rude children.But Mandla always says what matters is that his mother and siblings love me…….Today is my graduation.i just graduated for my Criminology hons.It has been a long journey.with sleepless nights.My brothers planned a party for me and we are all just having fun and celebrating.The wole family is here and friends.After all these years I finally managed to make friends.i have two friends,Natasha,we met at varsity and sibaphiwe the receptionist where Mandla works.
mandla?:can I have everyone’s attention please?
We all looked at him.whats going on?what is he doing?
Mandla:I would like to say something……sthandwa sam,ngyaz xhenya never let anything get in your are such  strong everything you always choose to see positive sides only.your personality,your character,it speaks volumes about you.And im proud of you for all that you’ve proud of the woman that you are.everyday I fall more in love with you.My love for you keeps growing.You make me a better men.i’ve changed because of you.when im with you nothing else matters but you.when im with you I have peace,I have bring all of those things to me.if it was possible I would open my chest so that you see the love that I have for love,I would like to ask you to spend the rest of your life with Khumalo omuhle,will you marry me?be my wife?
He was now kneeling with one knee,with a diamond rock on his hands.i just stood there with my mouth open not saying anything.i was lost for words.
Mandla:will you marry me?
Me:yes…yes I will marry you.
He put the ring on my finger and stood up.
Mandla:for a minute I thought you were going to say no.
He whispered in my ear.
Me:I love you.
He kissed me.
Muzi:its not the wedding day yet please.
We laughed.
Mandla:I love you so much my wife to be.
Me:I cant believe this is me getting married. I never pictured myself married.
Mandla:my angel,you better believe it.i cant wait to start our lives together.
“can we steal her for a bit?”
Mandla:yeah sure.
He kissed my forehead and I went to join the ladies with Natasha.
Precious:mrs Mbatha to be.Congratulations im so happy for you.
Me:thank you.i still cant believe it.
Natasha:that’s such a huge stone!
Voice:don’t worry babe,I will buy one for you.
Me:oh God why did you choose to date my friend?
Muzi:im here to steal my twin,she will be back later.
He held my hand and we went in the house.we sat on the couch and I laid my head on his shoulder.
Muzi:so you are getting married?
Me:yeah,I cnat believe it!
Muzi:im happy for you.
Me:whats wrong?you sound sad.
Muzi:I just found you and you are leaving again.
Me:its not like im leaving the country.we will always see each other.
Muzi:to be honest,I don’t want you to get married but what can I say?
Me:I cant get married without you being happy for me.
Muzi:just promise me that if he cheats again you will leave.
Me:I promise,but he wont.He has changed.He wont hurt me.
Muzi:you are my little sister,I have to look out for you.i love you okay?
Me:I love you too.
Muzi:since you will be getting I think its best we spend more time together.
Me:we will still spend time together even when im married.
Few months later

I have been planning my wedding.Actually,mom has been doing that.She said its her son’s wedding and Mandla did tell her to plan it.You should see her with his mom,they are big buddies.Right now we are going to Soweto to his father’s place.Lobola has been paid,now Mandla is going to let them know we are getting married next month,traditionally then after a month we will be having our white wedding.Right now we are in the car outside the place.
Mandla:babe just try to calm down.Dont take what they say to you to heart.
Me:your siblings are always rude though.
Mandla:just ignore them.I love you okay?
Me:I love you too.
Mandla:I would kill for you.
Me:okay lets go before you talk about something else scary now.
Mandla:baby why uligwala kanje?
He was laughing,really hard.
Mandla:okay,asambe mam mbatha
Me:not yet.
Mandla:I gave your father all his cows
Yeah its true,dad charged him 10 living cows and money on top.He paid a lot of money that I even thought its unnecessary.We got in and Ntombi the last born who is my age was the one who opened for us.She hugged her brother and looked at me from head to toe.
Me:hi Ntombi.
Ntombi:if it is not the fat coloured…come in.
I was already used to her calling me fat coloured.we walked further to the lounge where everyone was seated.I saw Tebza stand up and come to give me a hug.
Tebza:Angel ka bhuti,unjhani?
Me:im good and you?
Tebza:ngiya phila.You can go and join your sister,she’s busy in the kitchen.
By my sister he meant his wife.Mandla pulled me to him.He kissed me and there were clearing of throats.i wanted to pull out but he held me tight.we kissed for a few seconds then he let me go.
Mandla: hai Makhumalo these idiots have girlfriends,its not like we are doing something they don’t know.
I looked down and I heard laughs.
Tebza:hai look at her cheeks all red.
I rushed out of there going to the kitchen.
I looked back.
Mandla:I love you
I giggle and got into the kitchen.
Siza:girl!i heard your husband!Tell him to chill tu!
Me:no,I love like that.
Siza:you two are so cute.i love what you have.
Siza:and wena?
Ntombi:im just saying my brother could have done better.
Khanyi:you are right.
Me:how can I help Siza?
Siza:you can make gravy.
Ntombi:at least she can make good food.Thats what she’s good at,that and spending my brother’s hard earned money.
Me:I love your brother,not his money.i have my own money.
Siza:ignore her,so how’s school?
Me:I was thinking of enrolling for my masters but I think I will wait.i will just wait and look for work.
Siza:you will get something,with your very good academic record it wont be hard.
Me:I guess so.
We took the food to the dining room.Everyone was now sitting around the table.we started eating.Lungile kept on looking at me that I even started feeling uncormfotable.
Mandla:the reason we came here is we wanted to let you know that we have set the date for the weddings.A month from now on it’s the traditional wedding and after that it’s the white wedding.
Dad:son don’t you think maybe you are rushing things,just wait maybe after a year if you don’t change your mind you can get married.
Mandla:baba I love her,its time you accepted it.
Mrs Mbatha:she is a child for God’s sake.
Mandla:ma,it doesn’t marrying her.
Lungile:did you know that she was a prostitute?how can you marry her?
Khanyi:you deserve better.Not someone who sells their body!
Mandla:you all better shut up before I lose not here to ask for your permission,im just here to let you know because you are my family and I’d love to see you there.I hope that is the last time you speak about my wife like that.She may have been a prostitute but I love her like that.You don’t even know her story and what she went through.stop being so judgemental!Lets go my love.
Dad:I thought you were sleeping over.
Mandla:not when you all treat my wife like this.Lets go baby.
Me:love we can stay,I don’t mind.
Mandla:lets not spending any more of my time here.
Tebza:bafo stay please.
Mandla:its fine.
We left and on our way home the ride was so quiet.
Mandla:my angel,can you spend the night at my place?i missed you.
Me:okay,its fine.Anyway my parents think that im going to spend the night at your parents’ place so I don’t see any problem.
Mandla:and don’t worry about what happened okay?Their input doesn’t matter anyway.
Me:thanks for standing up for me.
Mandla:its my job.And we are here.
He comes to open the door for me and we get inside.There’s still light,meaning mama is still up.She’s been here for a few weeks and they are planning my wedding with mom,I just tell them what I like and they do everything.
Ma:my children,you are back.
Mandla:yebo,sawubona ma?
Ma:yebo.How did it go?
Mandla:you know how they are.sthandwa sam j ngise kameleni.
Ma pat on the couch next to her and I sat there.
Ma:whats wrong?i thought you were going to spend the night there.
She made my head lay on her lap.
Me:mama do you think im fat?like im getting worse?
Ma:mntanam,you are beautiful.Dont listen to what people say.i hope everything went well and they didn’t treat you bad or I will have to kill someone.
Me:mama his sisters were so rude to me.they called me a fat coloured.
Ma:they are just jealous of you.You are so beautiful.
Me:thanks mama..
Ma:you know,Nomalanga was my friend.
Ma:yes,actually best friend.we shared everything.i never thought anything would come between us.Then she started having an affair with Mkhululi.Then I saw what a snake she is.
Me:im so sorry mama.
Ma:don’t be.Im happy now and married to the most wonderful man.
Me:that’s good ma.
Ma:don’t let those spoilt brats intimidate you.Okay,good night.
Me:good night mama.
I kissed her cheek and went upstairs.i opened the door and Mandla was laying on his stomach.
Me:love are you okay?
Mandla:yes,I was just waiting for you.
He says that getting off bed.He looks at me with his beautiful smile.He comes slowly where I am standing.
Me:um let me change into my pjs….
Did I succeed in that?No!He picked me up and put me on the bed.
Mandla:I missed you.
Me:im here.
Mandla:you know what I mean.
Ever since that day my brothers caught us we haven’t made love.Sometimes I wonder…
Me:your mother is here.
Mandla:she wont hear us,please.Her room is downstairs…I know we said we will wait for our wedding day but im dying here….
I got off quickly.If he could cheat on me then then what stopped him all these three years?My heart started beating fast at that thought.
Mandla:I promise she wont hear anything.
He moved to where I was and started kissing.All I can say is everytime we make love its like a new laying here on bed looking at my husband to be after our love making session.i smile.
Mandla:and now?
Me:im just thinking about how you make me happy.Dont hurt me please.
Mandla:I live for you.its my job to make you happy.i love you so much and im lucky to have you.
Me:im the lucky one.
Mandla:lets sleep stahndwa sam.Tomorrow is a big day. Your birthday. I've planned something for us.
Me:really? I can't wait.

KelebogileWhere stories live. Discover now