Chapter twenty three

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*Kelebogile's story*

*Chapter 23*

“baby wake up.”
“five more minutes…”
“you are going to be late for work.”
Mandla:you are not going to work,so im also not going.
Kele:its my day off.
Mandla:and im the boss…be happy we’ll spend more time lets sleep.
Kele:its nice being your own boss huh?
Mandla:yes,why don’t you quit your job and give birth then you will go baack?
Kele:I worked hard to get this not quitting.
Mandla:okay….now sleep..i have a day planned out for us.
Kele:where are we going?
Mandla:I love you neh?now lets sleep.
Kele:ga ke na going to the gym.
He rose up quickly.
Mandla:are you out of your mind!?do you wanna hurt my kids?
Kele:love I’ve been going to the gym.i wont hurt them.i have a personal trainer
Mandla:you can be fat for all I care but from now on you are not setting foot in that gym until you give birth.
Kele:wow so im fat?thank you for the compliment.
She got off the covers and went to the bathroom and locked it.she started taking a shower.
Mandla:sweetheart please open for me,you know that’s not what I meant.
She didn’t answer him,she kept on taking a shower until she was done.she wrapped herself with a towel and went back to the bedroom.she lotioned then got dressed and after that went out.
Kele:morning ma.
Ma sara:good morning kelebogile. Go and sit down,I’ve already started with breakfast.
Kele:thanks mama.
Mandla:sweetheart im sorry,please talk to me.
Kele:mama tell him I don’t want to talk to him.
Mandla:stop being childish.i said im sorry.
Kele:first you said im fat now im childish.leave me alone tuu.
Mandla:im sorry okay?i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
Mam sara:you can all go and sit down.Breakfast is ready.
Kele left and rushed out the kitchen.
Mam sara: Mandla you don’t call a pregnant woman fat. You hurt her feelings.
Mandla:mama I didn’t say she’s fat.i don’t even know why she’s angry.i saidshe must not go to gym no matter how fat she gets.
Mama sara:stop laughing,she will be more angry when she hears go and try apologise again.
Mandla:pregnant women are a lot of work.
He left laughing at what he said.
Mandla:babe muntu wam,ngiya xolisa makhumalo omuhle.
Kele:mandla its not the first time you’ve said im fat. It’s the second time.
Mandla:I promise it won't happen again .
Kele:only on one condition?
Mandla:okay,we can stop eating veges and have anything you like,even junk food.
Kele:so that I can be more fat?no thanks.
Mandla:okay whats the condition?
Kele:you let me go to gym.
Mandla:you are not going there.
Kele:I am.i just wanted to let you know,you wont stop me.
Mandla:I will help you exercise here at home.
Kele:its not the same.
Mandla:you want that personal trainer to touch you he?you have to cancel that gym membership .i will bring the gym here for you. We can transform one room into a gym
Kele:you like wasting money man.he doesn’t even touch me.
Mandla:I know what happens at gyms so you are not going.we are done discussing this,we can talk about something else.
Kele:yoh nna wa ntena ke itse why gym e tsosa modumo o mo kanakana.
Mandla:he?ka go tena?lets hope those are your hormones speaking.
Mam sara:food is ready.
Kele:thank you ma.
Mandla:im going to call the kids.
Mam sara: Kelebogile learn to respect your husband,don’t talk to him like that.
Kele:mama but I didn’t disrespect him.
Mam sara:that was not a nice way to talk to him.choose your words when you speak to him.
Kele:but I always talk like this.
Mam sara:yes with your friends or the kids,but not with your have to apologise to him.
Kele:okay ma,I will apologise.
Mam sara:I see you like my child so its my duty to tell you when you are wrong and to teach you.
Kele:thank you mama.
Kele:babe can we talk?
Mandla:im taking the kids to school or else they will be late.i gave the driver a day off.
Amahle:bye mama.
They all kissed her cheek and left.mam sara collected the dishes and took them to the kitchen.
Kele:mama I will see you latr,im going to the gym.
Mam sara:didn’t your husband say you must not go?
Kele:he’s exaggerating ma.
Mam sara:my child,learn to listen to your husband.for once just follow what he says.or do you like it when you are always fighting?
Kele:of course not.
Mam sara:then sit down and relax.i will do work here,you must be tired.
Kele:ke a leboga mama.
She decided to go and take a nap waiting for her the time she woke up it was 12pm.she got out and went to look for him.she found him in the study.
Kele:babe I thought we were going out.why didn’t you wake me?
Mandla:I’ve cancelled everything. You didn't want to go.
Kele:but I didn’t say that.
Mandla:your actions speak otherwise.
Kele:im sorry about how I spoke to you
Mandla:sometimes you speak to me like im a not Owami  .speak with respect.and don’t blame hormones for this because even before you were pregnant you spoke to me in that manner.choose your words when speaking to your husband not your child.
Kele:I promise it wont happen again.let me leave you to finish your work.
Mandla:kelebogile yima…
Kele:its fine mandla,I heard you.and im sorry from the bottom of my heart.i shouldn’t have spoken to you like wont happen again.
She left and went to the kitchen to start on lunch.
I have been chatting with Brian for several weeks now.he helped me deal with my heartbreak. Themba  made me his idiot. We have been dating for about three years kanti yena he was fooling me. I don’t know why he thought it to invite me to his wedding just to embarrass me.i will never forget that day for as long as I Live.i just felt anger within me and I regret it after I had hit his car with a stone.but he deserved it for breaking my heart. I promised myself that I wont mop around it.he’s enjoying his life and I’d be here crying and feeling pity for myself. He had no thought of breaking up with me.i loved I still do love him,but its obvious he didn’t love me at im driving into hatfield, Brian is around and he said he had something to talk to me about.what could it be that he would come all the way here?
-come to Protea hotel.
I put in the gps and drive there.i arrive and go straight to his room.i knock and he opens then ushers me in.
Brian:hey,how are you?
Me:im good and you?
Brian:for real?you can tell me anything.
Me:im fine.i wont mop and cry for a bustard that you call a brother.
Brian:um about that,he’s here.
Brian:yes.he wants to talk to you.just hear him out please.
Me:is that why you called me here?i thought we were friends!
Brian:yes we are.just listen to him,then after that you can leave.
Me:I should have known that you being friendly was for manipulate me into talking to him.
Brian:its just this once then he will leave you alone.
Brian:thanks.let me call him,he’s in the bathroom.
He went to the bathroom and I sat on the couch that was in there.they came whispering something then Brian went out.
Themba :thank you for coming.
Me:if I knew it was you I wouldn’t have come.why am I here?
Themba :firstly I want to apologise.i didn’t mean to hurt you.
Me:well you did and there is no coming back.
Themba :I would never hurt you intentionally.i love you.
Me:you have a funny way of showing it. You hurt me and its fine. So tell me why am I really here?
Themba :I want to marry you.
Me:when you look at me do you see an idiot!?you are married!
Themba :I want to make you my second wife.
Me:im not going to be second best.go back to your wife and forget about me.
Themba :she knows about this,she has given me her blessings. must think im your puppy huh?im not interested,go find someone else.
Themba :I don’t want anyone else I want you.
Me:what about your wife?
Themba :I love you more and she understands.
I cant believe what im hearing.
Me:were you cheating on her with me?
Themba :no,before we started dating I told her about and her we have been traditionally married for five years.
Wow!i cant believe hurt,really hurt.
Themba :im sorry that im the cause of you crying. But I promise you I will love you.just like ive always had.nothing has to change,except that you know that I have a wife.
Me:I wont be someone’s second wife. Go back to your wife and leave me alone.
I stood up and took my handbag and left.i try opening the door but its locked.
Me:please open…..
I hit his hard chest when I turn around.he holds me before I could fall.
Themba :please give us a begging you my love.
Me:please open.
Themba :at least think about it.
He unlocks the door and I run out of the hotel to my car.i drive off to my apartment.i share it with Buhle.we pay rent together.all the way im just lost in what I’ve just discovered.he’s been married for five years and im just his mistress.i never thought I would be a mistress. Of all things I could ever think of,a mistress?
I get home and park my car.i lock it and get into the apartment and  Buhle and Busi are watching a movie.
Busi:how was your date with your ex’s brother.
Me:it was not a date.i told you he’s gay.cant you understand that?
Busi:hay sisi I didn’t hurt you.go and lash out at Themba not me.
Buhle:don’t mind shouldn’t be crying over that bustard.its his loss anyway.
Busi:but she still loves the your big sister and advisor,I say its normal to dated this idiot for a whole three years so its normal.
Me:its not my first heartbreak anyway,I will live.
Buhle:so how was your lunch with the brother?
Me:he tricked me into going there.his brother was there.
Me:he said he wants me to be his second wife.his wife knew about us this whole three years.
Buhle:he’s out of his mind
Busi:there I agree with you.he’s mentally disturbed.
Me:I cant believe  he said that to me

KelebogileWhere stories live. Discover now