Chapter seven

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*Kelebogile's story*

*Chapter 7*

School has been but getting hectic.  Second year is hard. I thought maybe it would be like first year. But i can only just complain.  I have to move forward and make sure i don't fail even a single module or else I'd lose my bursary. Even though i know that Tebza was just making a cover up saying it's a bursary. Anyway, i just finished attending my class. I am tired today. I've been moving up and down going to classes and tutorials. I even met a girl that's doing the same course as me and she has been following me for a week wanting to be my friend. I agreed being her friend but I  will never tell her anything about me. I've learnt the hard way.
Natasha:let's take the lift today please.
Me:no. You can take the lift and we will meet on the ground floor.
Natasha:why do you hate the lift?
I can't tell her that i can't stand the stares that i get from other students. They may have stopped talking about me but they stare.
Natasha:okay we can use the stairs. Lets go.
We took our backpacks and left. Muzi was waiting on the door.
Muzi:Kele wait! I didn't do it!
Me:why are you following me?
Muzi:i have to. Did you ever think that Zoe is the one responsible? I mean..maybe she was listening to us that day.
Me:but just after I told you everyone knew about it. I think it's better we never talk again.
Muzi:for something i didn't do? Come on.
Muzi:give me this last chance. Please. My mom still wants to meet you.
Me:i can't believe this. You're still on about that. People do look alike. It doesn't mean im your sister. You said she died and they cremated her. So what makes you think im your twin?
Muzi:anyone can see that we're related.
Me:still,yoh should leave me alone. O know it's you who sold me out. So leave me alone or i will report you.
Mu:really? You would do that?
I left him standing there. Natasha ran behind me.
Natasha :don't you think you're being harsh to him?
Me:stay out of it. You know nothing!
Natasha:you have too much anger in you. He cares about you. I believe him. Zoe could be responsible for everything.
Natasha:yes. What if she was spying on you? I mean she even lured you to her parties. That girl is dangerous.
Me:wait. How do you know that?..Muzi sent you!? can explain.
Me:so you were spying for him?
Natasha:he's worried about you. He thinks you might harm yourself.
Me:so you were really spying for him.
Natasha:im sorry okay? But youcan't crucify him for caring about you.
Me:youreally disappointed me. I thought you were really my friend.
Natasha:i am.
Me:then why spy for him?
Natasha:im sorry. It won't happen again.

My day was long. I cooked and showered then did my tutorials. I just wanted to get it over and done with. I was really studying hard. Especially for criminology since there's a high competition to get into honours.  They take about 20 best students. After studying i went to bed. It was even raining. I took my phone off flight mode and messages started showing. I replied to some and left some. Then I called Mandla.
Me:hey. I saw your missed call. I was still studying.
Mandla:how are you? I haven't seen you this week.
Me:im good. I've just been busy.
Mandla:okay. How's your day looking tomorrow? Maybe we could go out?
Me: i don't have any class. So I'll just stay in.
Mandla:np. Go to school. You can go to the library and catch up on some work.
Me:you're right. Wena,how are you?
Mandla:im good. I wanted to invite you to my place. My girls are coming and I would like you to meet them. I can fetch you after work.
Me:okay. I will wait for you then.
Mandla:so what are you doing?
Me:im about to sleep.
Mandla:so early? Why don't you look for a flatmate and she will keep you company?
Me: I think I'm fine on my own.
Mandla:have you thought about what i asked you?
Ne:yeah..i don't..
Mandla:you don't think you are ready. That's what you always say. How will you know that you'reready if you don't try? You will never be ready. Just give it a chance.
Me:i don't know..
Mandla:i know you think i will hurt you. But i won't. Kele i love you and i won't hide it. Give me a chance to love you. Make you happy. I know you feel the same. You just won't open your heart.
Me:let's say i give you a chance and you hurt will i get over it? I don't think i can survive.
Mandla:you have nothing to be scared of. I love you and i will do all i can not to hurt you.
Me:okay. But let's take things slow.
Mandla:okay. We willdo that. I can'twaitto see youtomorrow.
Mandla:have a good night. I love you.
Me:good night.
I ended the call and slept.

The following day as soon as I got his call i left the library. I found him waiting for me. I fetched my overnight bag. We hugged and he drove off. We got to his place and we started cooking.
Mandla:baby i have something i want to tell you.
Mandla:have you ever tried looking for your family..would you like to know them?
Me:no. I never met my dad and I wouldn't know where to start.
Mandla:i know your family. I can take you to them.
Me: how do you know them?
Mandla:im friends with your brothers.
Me:my mom said it's only me and Kgamogelo. So i think you might be mistaken.
Mandla:never mind.
We continued cooking and the girls arrived with Tebza.
Tebza:Kele. How are you?
Me:im good and you?
Tebza:im good. I see you're all busy here. Can i stay for dinner?
Tebza:yoh brother. I was just joking. I won't disturb your family time. It was nice seeing you princess. Bafo take good care of her.
He went out laughing.
Mandla:girls come and meet aunt Kele. Baby this is Owami and Ntsako my daughters.
Me:nice to meet you girls.
Them:nice to meet you too aunty.
We hugged. They are such bubbly kids. We ate with them telling us what they were doing at their home and all those things. After we went to sleep.

When I got up in the morning Mandla was already up. I went and showered and went out of the room. I found him in the kitchen making breakfast.
Me:good morning.
Mandla:morning my love. Breakfast will be ready soon. But first...

He looked at me then smiled. He kissed me and then hugged me spinning me around.
Mandla:i still can't believe you're mine.
Me:and i can't believe i said yes to being in a relationship.

Him:I haven’t asked how you have been.
Me:I’ve been fine.
Him:this is me,Mandla umuntu wakho.Talk to me.
Me:I’ve been fine.i just had problems here and there.
Him:okay.As long as you say so.But I can see you are not im going to organise a psychologist for you.You have to talk to someone about what you went through in your life.
Me:thanks for everything.i will always be  grateful.
Him:so have you made  any friends?
Me:no….i think im not destined to have friends.
Me:I had a friend,Muzi. but he  betrayed me.
Me:yes,but we aren’t friends anymore..
Him:I see you cared about him cos talking about him upsets you.what happened?
Me:he was my only friend.He would do anything for me.Any guy who tried coming next to me he would threaten them.He called me his little sister.But he betrayed me.i tursted him and he broke that trust.
Him:don’t you think you could talk to him and maybe sort things out?i know take a while to trust a person but you trusted him.that means something.
Him:you miss him.
Me:yeah but it is what it is.can I use the bathroom?
Him:of course.Feel at home.
I went to the bathroom to pee and washed my hands after.i went back to my room and found Mandla on my phone speaking.
Him:yes.She wanted to talk to you.Oh here she comes.
Me:who’s that?
Him:Muzi,I called him.Here,I will leave you two to talk.
Me:why did you call him?
Him:I know you miss talk to him.
He gave me the phone and left.
Muzi:Angel I missed you.
Muzi:sorry.Can I facetime you?i miss seeing your face.
Me:go and look in the mirror. That's what you always said.
Muzi:haha my crazy half is back.please  don’t ever shut me off again.
Me:muzi I ….
Muzi:please.And just so you know,it was never me.i would never do you like that.
Me:im over that.
Muzi:to prove that lets meet tomorrow.
Me:okay but im not at my place now. Im in Pretoria West.
Muzi:what are you doing there!
Me:im visiting someone.
Muzi:your man?Anyway I can come and fetch you.
Voice:bhuti tell her to come.
Me:hey Mangaliso..i missed  you.
Manngi:im mad at you.You promised to visit and never came.
Me:im sorry,but I promise this time I will come.
Sphe:yaay!i cant wait to see you.
Muzi:stop screaming.
Muzi:see you tomorrow.i love you little sis.
Me:okay bye.
To be honest,I really missed him.i was just being stubborn.
Him:I see you are  all smiles.i hope he doesn’t steal you from me.
Me:he wont.Come see him.
I logged into his Instagram and went to his pictures.i showed him the one we  were together.
Me:ke eng?
Him:you are really   a  Khumalo ?
Me:what are you saying?my surname is Mothupi.
Him:no.This guy looks like you and he’s a Khumalo. His brothers are my friends. The ones I was telling you about.
Me:noo man.
Him:this is a mess.
Me:whats going on?
Him:um never mind.
Me:im meeting him tomorrow.
Him:my love promise me you will never leave me. P lease.
Me:whats wrong bathong?
Him:please just promise.i don’t want to lose you.
Me:I promise.i love  you.
Him:I love you more.

KelebogileWhere stories live. Discover now