Chapter twenty

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*Kelebogile's story*

*Chapter 20*

*Three weeks later*

Kelebogile found a job in a media company. It helped because she did media and journalism in UNISA. Even though her first preference was that of criminoly she was grateful to have found a job.But still,it was something shee also loved doing.she had fallen in love with her job in these two weeks that she had started. She also hired a nanny for the kids for while she is at work and they also have a driver that takes the children to and from school.its now lunch time and she has decided to go and visit her husband. What she was going through has been hard on her.pretending  like she doesn’t know anything. Just as she was about to walk out one of her colleagues stopped hehr.
Colleague:hey,would you like to join me and my friends for lunch?
Kele:no,im fine.i have to go somewhere.
Colleague:I have noticed that you are always alone.why dotn you make friends around here?
Kele:as I said im was nice chatting to you but im already late.see you later.
She took her handbag and went to the parking lot.she felt dizzy as she balanced with the car.she unlocked and got inside.she rested a bit then drove off.they knew her at her husband’s work so she wasn't asked a lot of questions.she just went through to his office.when she was near she could hear people arguing.she stopped and listened to what was happening.
Mandla:I thought I told you already.
Voice:well then make a plan.
Mandla:there’s nothing I can do.i don’t care going to tell my wife.
Siba:so you think that you telling her first will make things better?
Mandla:whether it does or not I don’t care.ii told you that whatever happens I will take it.i don’t love you.
Siba:well,I love you.
Mandla:don’t make that my can go to hell.
Siba:don't be smart with me. I will have you arrested for real.
Mandla:ngceli uphume e ofisini lami sisi.
Siba:ngeke going to call your wife to come here and you are going to tell her that me and you are getting married!
Mmandla:heh! Are you listening to yourself?
Siba:then if you think im bluffing think again.
Kele:no need for here.
Mandla:sweetheart I was going to tell you.
Kele:no,you can continue with your ausi ne o batla go mpolela  eng?
Siba:oh,you already know are not stupid after all.
Kele:yes I am not. The way I see it you are the stupid  one here. Did you think he was going to leave me for you?as I told you before,it will be a day in hell before you get my man.
Siba:the guy cheated on you and you still want him?how desperate can you be?
Kele:siba,you disgust me.women like you disgust me.yes,I long knew that you wanted my husband,now stop embarrassing yourself .  leave with the little dignity that you still have.
Siba:you cant be mad at me only here.your husband is also at fault.
Kele:yes you are husband not now leave  me and my husband to talk.he doesn’t want you.
Kele:there’s nothing to look at here.please lose my number and never contact me again.i don’t ever want to see you.
Mandla:sweetheart im sorry.
She went and kissed him then wiped her lipstick off his lips.
Kele:we will talk at lunch break is almost over.i love you.
She almost cried when she said this but she held herself.
Kele:and wena,im not leaving my husband because of you.he is warning you,stay away from him.
Knock-off time came and she drove straight home.she made sure that everyday she goes home to cook for her family.the nanny is not allowed to cook,she’s the one who cooks all the time.she arrived and changed then started with the pots.while she was busy she heard the kids cheering,which means their father was back.soon he came into the kitchen and kissed her cheek then went upstairs.she went on with her pots.that dizziness came again and she drank water.
“daddy can we go and swim?”
Mandla:no,tomorrow is Friday and I will come back early then we can swim.
That was little Amahle talking to her father.he came into the kitchen and asked to help.
Mandla:what can I help with here?
Kele:you can chop the onion and tomatoes for me.
Mandla:I see you are trying to make me cry.
Kele:after you are done you can make gravy.
They did everything with no one talking to the other.Afrter they took the food to the table.
Ntsako:mom can I just make a sandwich?im full.
Mandla:you have to eat.
Kele:its fine,you can go and make it fast then we can all eat.
She ran to the kitchen to make hehr sandwich. After she was done everyone gathered around the table and started eating.
Mandla:sweetheart are you alright?
Kele:baby what did you put into your sandwich?something is rotten.
Ntsako:mom everything is fresh here.
She ran to the bathroom and vomited all the food that she just ate.Mandla held her hair as she was throwing up.
Kele:you can go fine.
They went back to the dining room and continued eating.
Ntsako:mama I got rid of the eggs.granny said they made you throw up.
Kele:thank you.
Owakhe:are you sick mommy?
Kele:momy is fine girls.lets eat.
They finished eating and did the dishes and cleaned around.after that they all went to their respective rooms.kelebogile went to take a quick shower and changed into her nightwear. She got under the covers while her husband also went to shower.after he was done he joined her in bed.she was sniffed with tears silently falling down her face.he pulled her closer too him.
Mandla:im sorry.
Kele:why?why do you keep on doing this? Did you have to sleep with my friend?
Mandla:I know I once cheated on you but I would never sleep with your friend.
Kele:then what was she talking about? She wanted to tell me something when you two werein your office.
Mandla: I slapped her and she said I must marry her or else she'll get me arrested.
Kele:why did you slap her? Do you know how serious this is?
Mandla:I don’t know what got into me.i regret it
Kele: I hope one day you won't slap me.
Mandla:I would never do that.
Kele:did she really drug you?
Mandla:yes she did. I will know for real after the results come back.
Kele:You know she might leak your pictures? I can't believe I once called her my friend.
Mandla:she says she loves me and has always loved me. She's crazy. How do you force someone to love you?
Kele:she's really crazy. Who does that?
Mandla:don't worry about her. If she tries something I will take the cctv footage to the police.
Kkele:im tired and I feel dizzy.goodninght.
Mandla:I will take you to the doctor tomorrow before going to work.
Mandla:I love you okay?I LOVE SO MUCH.
Kele:I love you too.
The next day.
Kelebogile woke up and found the bed empty. She went to shower and while she was showering Mandla came in wanting to use the toilet.
Mandla:sweetheart please stop using the shower from now on. Use the bathtub instead.
Mandla:I don’t want you falling.its dangerous.Dont forget you were feeling dizzy yesterday.
Kele:I always use the shower,and I don’t fall.
Mandla:breakfast is ready. Finish up and come eat so that we can leave.
He flushed and exited the bathroom. After she was done she got ready and took her work things and went downstairs.
He shouted with his mouth full of food.
Kele:morning baby.come to mommy.
She picked him up and put him on her lap.she kissed him all over his face and he giggled.
Mandla:girls eat so that you can leave or you will be late for school.
They ate their food and finished. They took their things and waited for the driver to take them to school.
Mandla:ma have a good day.
Nanyn:you too.
They drove to the doctor first. They were chitchatting on their way there.
Mandla:am I boring you?
Kele:no,I just don’t feel good.
Mandla:you will be fine,the doctor will help.
He held her hand kissing it while driving. They arrived at the hospital and they went in. the dr was already waiting for them they sat down. may I help? wife is not feeling well.
Dr:whats the matter?
Kele:I feel dizzy most of the time and throwing up.i just feel like im losing energy.
Dr:okay lie on that bed so we can check if what im suspecting is right or not.
She climbed on the bed and she was instructed to lift her top.the dr put gel on her stomach and did an ultrasound scan.loud heartbeats started playing.she kept moving it looking at the screen.
Dr:I was right.listen to that,four strong heartbeats.
Kele:what are you talking about?
Mandla:you are carrying four mini us in here.
He said touching her tummy.
Dr:you are 12 weeks and a few days pregnant.with quads,congratulations. Is it fine if I make copies of the scans for you?
No one answered. Tears were just falling on Mandla’s face.
Mandla:oh yes,and please make a video.
Dr:okay.i see you are all so happy.
Kelebogile couldn’t stop looking at the screen. Tears were faling together with a smile on her face.she just couldn’t control her emotions.
Dr:is it your first time as parents?
Kele:no,im just so happy.we have four other children.
Mandla looked at her and smiled. He was happy to have a wife who is supportive  like her despite of everything he has done to hurt her. A wife who could do anything for him,take care of his kids,kids that are not even biologically hers. A woman who can raise other women’s children without even complaining. God indeed blessed him.
Kele:oh my god listen to those heartbeats.
Mandla: four at once sthandwa sam. Thank you so much.
Kele:but how am I going to do this?i will die pushing out four big heads.
Mandla: you will be fine. And I don’t have a big head.
She wiped the gel off and got off the bed.
Dr:im giving you a prescription for the vitamins and everything. Everything is still going well. I will refer you to a gynae.
Mandla:thank you doctor.
She was talking to Muzi.
Muzi:little,its been a while.why are you ignoring me?
Kele:sorry for ignoring you. It was not on are you?
Muzi:im good,I missed you. We have to meet nge weekend.
Kele:the weekend is tomorrow.
Muzi:yes,im taking you out tomorrow.
Kele:you are a cool uncle you are spoiling your nephews and nieces before they are even born.
She was laughing saying that.
Muzi:I always spoil them…..wait!you mean…
Kele:yes im pregnant,with quads.
Muzi:haa!four?whats wrong with your man?hay he must take it easy on you man.
Kele:he can hear you
They laughed.
Muzi:bye.dont forget tomorrow it’s a date.
Kele:okay see you then.i love you
Muzi:I love you more
She cut the call.they arrived and they got out of the Car.
Kele:where are you going?
Mandla:I just want to see that you are safely in your office.
Kele:im pregnant,not sick.its not like I will get abducted.
They walked into the building and he held her hand. People were looking at them and Mandla had a smirk on his face.wondering why?no one will ever know.they got to the open space that she shares with her colleagues.
Mandla:I will send lunch for you okay?
Mandla:I love you.
Kele:go before you are late,I love you too.
He pulled her to him and they kissed.
Mandla:goodbye, have a good day.

KelebogileWhere stories live. Discover now