Chapter twenty five

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*Kelebogile's story*

*Chapter 25*

Amahle:daddy I want to hold one a big girl.
Mandla:you are a big will hold him when we get home.
Its been a week since I gave birth and today im going home.There were no complications with them.i just fell in love with them the moment I held im sitting here in the backseat with amahle my daughter and siya is in the front sit. Amahle cant stop looking at the babies.i gave birth to 3 boys and one least there’s one girl so im done now.i cant handle more or I will die.we get home and my mom comes to the car and carries two husband takes the other two and mam sara the others. Siya raises his hands for me to pick him and I laugh.he’s jealous.we all go in and my family is mother in law hugs me then go to the kids..
Mom:my angel,how are  you feeling?
Me:im fine.i just feel a bit of pain.
Mil:you will be fine.just give it a bit of weeks.
Mom:you have beautiful kids.
Me:im not having anymore.those hours I spent giving birth I don’t want to go through that anymore.
Mil:never say never.
Me:no done or this time I will die.
Mom:but it’s a good thing you gave birth to quads,now you can rest.
Me:these babies can make noise.listen to whats coming from the nursery.
Mil:they are happy to have new siblings.
Mom:I don’t know what these babies have. Now sphe wants to move in here.
Me:hay mom Sphe will give me headaches. She will keep waking them up.
They laughed.
Mom:she will never change.
I was sleeping at night when I heard the bed move.
Mandla:go back to sleep,I will attend to them.
I really need  this rest. Taking care of 8 Kids can be tiring. I lay back on the bed and Mandla is rocking the one that is crying back and forth feeding him his milk.i breastfeed but I also give them formula. My husband is a really good father. He’s already helping taking care of them at night while I rest. He even took leave from work.he took unpaid leave so that he can help me. Im so lucky to have him.
Mandla:sweetheart go back to sleep. I will be fine.
I smile and go back to sleep.
In the morning I woke up wrapped in my husband’s arms.i kissed his cheek and he laughed.
Me:what is it?
Mandla:I’ve been seeing you watch me all this time. Your creepy eyes almost scared me.
Me:but you love these eyes!
Mandla:I could stare at these eyes all day all night.
Me:I was looking at your head.i didn’t know you can rock a cut and look so handsome dear husband
Mandla:baby I can rock anything.
Me:lol remember that day,your head was shining?
Mandla:how can I forget?thats why im rocking this cut. You put Vaseline on me while sleeping.
Me:and you were mad!i was scared that day thinking you will tell dad about us.
Mandla:but you were so crazy back then.
Me:I still have those pictures.
Mandla:I thought it was only one?
Me:no.and you wont fint them.
Mandla:don’t ever show anyone those pictures.
Me:better not be on my bad side,one day I might dye your hair red when you are sleeping and take more pictures.
Mandla:what did I marry nkosi yami?
Me:im joking.
Mandla:ihlanya lam….do you know how much I love you?
Mandla:I love you so much.
Me:I love you more.i cant believe we’ve been together for almost 8 years.
Mandla:and we have 8 beautiful children.
Me:god really blessed us.
Mandla:now two or three more to go.
Me:not with done.
Manda:we will see.
I traced my fingers on his face.
Me:do you think you can come back early and help with the kids?im going to a meeting.
Mandla:what meeting?
Me:im going to meet my gonna resign.
Mandla:you don’t have to, we will manage.
Me:ag its fine. I want to care for my children,who knows?i might find my dream job later then.
Mandla:no. You love your job. Mom is here and she doesn't mind looking after the kids.
Me:what about your dad?
Mandla:he doesn't mind. Mom will leave on Fridays and come back on Mondays. During the weekend I'll be here. Just until the babies are maybe like six months and we get a nanny for them. Anyway you can ask for leave
Me:you're right
We heard a knock and laughing. I knew the kids were up and want to play. I went to open and they ran inside.
Sphe: sisi we want to play with the babies.
Me:no good morning. These babies are loved hey.
Amahle:mommy can I hold the girl?
Mandla:they still have to take a bath then you can play with them. Gogo is bathing them.
Siya:goodmorning mommy.
Me:good morning my big boy. Come here.  How did you sleep?
Siya:ngikwatile mina.
Siya: I wanted to sleep with the babies and you said no.
Me:Siya big boys don't complain okay? You will sleep with them when they are grown a bit. 
Siya:every day?
Me:yes. Now you can only play with them and sleep with them during the day but not at night.
Siya:okay. So gogo wont steal them when im at school?
Me:no. Gogo will stay here with us and help take care of the babies.
Siya:no mama. Owami said gogo is going to leave with the babies.
Me:she was just playing. All of you go and bath.
Me:babe these kids will give me a headache.
Mandla:I cant believe this is us. 8 children!
Me:yeah. Anyway let me go and shower before they start crying. I have to breastfeed them.
I showered and dressed then went downstairs. My mother in law was already in the lounge with the kids and my father in law.
Me:goodmorning mom and dad.
Dad:goodmorning. How are you today?
Me:im good.
Mom:goodmorning my daughter.
Me:they are sleeping?
Mom:yes. I think it's because they just finished bathing.
Me:okay. Let me make breakfast before they wake up.
I made breakfast and called everyone to eat. I finished and we all ate then mam sarah washed the dishes. Then Mandla's father and stepmother arrived.
M.father:your wife gives birth and you don't call us to come and see our grandchildren?
Mandla: I don't know what you want here. I thought we already talked. I thought you wouldn't want to come here just like you didn't come when Siya was born. You don't love my children. They only know you because your daughters insist that they visit. So what's changed now?
M.father:I always ask that we fix things but you don't listen to me.
Mandla:fix things? Fix things on condition that i leave my wife because she will embarrass you and taint the Mbatha name? I already told you that im not leaving her.
M.father:im sorry for that. Can we all just calm down and talk calmly as a family?
Mandla:okay. You know all this time even before I got married you never thought of fixing things. You never apologised for your absence in my life. All you know is asking for money. And I cant say no. Because this wife of yours will complain as if she doesn't have kids who are working
Harry:son calm down.
Mandla:dad I have to tell him what's in my heart. He wants to fix things so let's fix them now.
M.father:you're calling another man dad while im here?
Mandla:you don't deserve to be a father. You've never been a father to me. You haven't done even a single thing for me. You see this man here? He's my father. He did more than what you could ever do. He raised me. Took me throughout primary school until university. Even after that he took care of me until I started working. If you are a father care to tell us where Kagiso is?you don't know. He left because of you. He's all alone overseas because he couldn't stand your presence. He tried reaching out to you and you and yòur wife treated him like a dog. Now you want to fix things after more than 20 years.
Stepmother:it shows that this man  clearly didn't raise you well.
Mom:don't! You don't know what this man you're talking about has done for my sons. I don't even know why you are here. What are you doing here?
Stepmother:im here to see my grandchildren.
Mom:you're really stupid. Which grandchildren are you talking about? Are they your grandchildren only when you want money? I don't ever wanna see you here in my son's house. And…and if something wrong happens after you leave here I will know that you did something.
Mandla:I think we're done here. You can leave and come back when you're ready to apologise for being an absent father. I've tolerated it long enough. I think it's time you apologise for all that you've failed to do or you will never have any place here.
Stepmother:you're kicking us out?
Mandla:you've never set your foot here. What's changed?
m.father:you can't treat me like this because of this man!
Mandla:dad you know what to do for us to fix things.!
He got up and left. The stepmother followed behind.
Harry:you should have calmed down and fixed things.
Mandla:dad im tired of that man. Did you hear how he talked to you?
Harry:but he's still your father.
Mom:my love you've been a father to our children all their lives. His absence won't make any difference

KelebogileWhere stories live. Discover now